Saturday 2 December 2023

The Christmas Day Tag

I've come across the The Christmas Day Tag, which was created by Nina Louise Law and Becc4, on a few blogs lately, and thought it would be fun to give it a go myself.

This tag is all about this year's Christmas plans, so if you'd like to know how I'll be spending Christmas day, what I'll be eating for Christmas dinner, and what Christmas films I'll be watching, today is your lucky day.

Introducing The Christmas Tag:

What time do you wake up?

These days, I'm usually up around 8-9am on Christmas Day. I'm too old for that 6am Christmas morning excitement, but I also don't like to sleep in too late and miss too much of the day.

Where will you be spending the day?

I'll just be spending Christmas at home with my family. 

What will you be wearing?

I haven't got my outfit picked out yet, but most likely a Lady Vintage Lyra dress with leggings (and Erstwilder Christmas accessories!) because those dresses make it look like I've made the effort, while also being super comfortable and able to accommodate all that extra food.

What games will you be playing?

If we can be bothered to play any games together, it will probably be a good ol' game of Monopoly, or maybe Rummikub, if we want something more non-committal. I'll almost certainly be logging on to Animal Crossing to enjoy the festivities on my island some time during the day, too.

What will you be eating?

We always have a turkey roast with all the trimmings on Christmas Day. That's generally made up of turkey, sage and onion stuffing (made with sausage meat), roast and mashed potatoes, parsnips, sweet potato, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, carrots, swede, and Yorkshire puddings, and whatever extras my sister and brother-in-law decide to bring this year. For dessert, we'll likely have the choice of my blackberry and apple trifle, my sister's Squidgy chocolate log (a lighter-than-air chocolate swiss roll filled with cream and chocolate mousse), and my Mum's apple pie. There'll also be plenty of nibbles like chocolates, biscuits, and nuts to snack on during the day, and if, by some miracle, we're hungry in the evening, we usually have turkey sandwiches for a late dinner. 

What will you be drinking?

I'm not really supposed to drink on my painkillers, so I'll probably just be sticking to soft drinks again this year.

What will you be watching?

You'll find us watching whatever good festive films are on TV over Christmas- Santa Claus the Movie and The Muppets Christmas Carol are favourites with everyone in our house- and we almost always watch whatever Disney film is on on BBC1 in the afternoon after Christmas dinner. Or any classics like Chitty Chitty Bang Bang or Mary Poppins. In the evening, I might watch whatever festive drama is on TV or curl up with another Christmas movie or two, like The Holiday or Love Actually.

What do you hope to find under the tree on Christmas Day?

I would be thrilled to get some pretty new books (especially the Illumicrate Olivie Blake set and the new Hunger Games deluxe boxset), a new TV for my room, or this Loungefly Lady and the Tramp backpack.

Who will you be spending the day with?

I'll be spending the day with my parents, sisters, and brother-in-law. As well as my dog, Rosie, and my sister's dog, Mia.

When will you be opening your presents?

We usually open our presents together when everyone's up- around 9am these days, and then exchange presents with my older sister and brother-in-law when they arrive around midday.

And that's The Christmas Tag.

If you're reading this post and want to have a go at The Christmas Tag on your own blog or socials, consider yourself tagged! Be sure to leave me a link to your post if you take part so that I can read your answers!

How will you be spending Christmas this year?

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