Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Wednesday Wish List

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Good morning lovelies,

Over the last week, I've done a lot of online window shopping. Had I started out with some money to spend,  I would probably have gotten carried away and be bankrupt by now. 

There are so many fabulous new season pieces swiftly beginning to appear on the high street, so naturally my lust list is a mile long already.

I'm finding myself drawn to a mixture of different colours and tones at the moment. I still love those rich, dark winter shades, but I'm looking forward to retiring them soon, and moving on to summer brights, and sweet pastel shades.

I came across a beautiful lilac satchel from ASOS I hope to add to my collection; it's so pretty, as you can see. My satchel obsession is only progressing as time goes on. I can't get enough of them! The fact that I'm attracted to lilac pieces at the moment surprises me, as I've had little interest in the colour since my mid-teens; back then it was my favourite colour. I stopped wearing most pastels for quite some time as they often wash me out. Now I want to add various pastel things in to my wardrobe / nail polish collection; such as a lilac belt, and another mint nail polish, but mostly the satchel!

I'm just as tempted by darker clothes, too, at the moment, and I'm loving Dorothy Perkins' selection of black based garments with a pretty pansy print on them. The only problem is, I can't decide which piece I love best; the tee, the tunic, the trousers, or the bomber jacket (not pictured). I want them all! I just love pansies.

I've also been contentedly gazing at all the beautiful dresses on Modcloth's website. I'm loving the three above with their cute collars, lovely prints and colours, and classic shapes. Modcloth always have the most lovely, colourful, quirky, and unique frocks, and as far as I could see, they stock sizes up to an American 4x. They also have a plus size range from size 16 up to a 24 (American sizes). You can find the curvy sizes here. I've never made a purchase from them, but I know one day I will because it's all so gorgeous.

My other current favourites are the two bold River Island bowler bags, and a black heart print jumper by New Look Inspire. They're stunning.

Which piece is your favourite?
P.S. Did you guys know that ASOS have started stocking some of New Look Inspire's plus size range along side their own Curve range? I noticed this a couple of days ago, and think it's great. I'm sure it'll be good news for all you ladies internationally, since ASOS ship world wide for free, and New Look don't! I'm personally excited by the prospect of finding my favourite New Look pieces on ASOS and buying without a delivery charge!


  1. That yellow dress is so lovely, I saw it on Modcloth recently and wanted it so much :D

    I've been drawn to darker colours lately myself - it's very unlike me but all of my latest purchases have been autumn/winter shades...a lot of brown and black!

    1. It really is. So pretty, and perfect for the warmer months.

      I've found that since blogging and reading blogs, what I've been drawn to had varied from season to season, where as before I'd usually just go for anything bold. I think you'd look lovely in dark shades, too :)

  2. LOVE the dresses you picked out - so pretty :)

    1. Thank you! Aren't they all gorgeous?!

  3. I lovelovelove the floral trousers! This makes me so excited for spring now ! ( if it ever gets a bit warmer, we've had snow where I am hahah ) xxx

    1. I gave the same reaction when I first saw them! They're beautiful. I wish it was Spring already; it's unusually FREEZING here at the moment. Beginning to wonder if we're due an Ice Age or something. Haha. Roll on some warm weather! xx

  4. You tease me with these pretty dresses ! Xx

    1. Haha! I knew you'd love them as much as I do! xx

  5. Those trousers are fantastic! xxx

    1. They really are! Loving floral trousers right now xx


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