Sunday, 31 March 2013

Sunday Favourites #23

Happy Easter everyone!

I hope you're all having a lovely day what ever you're up to, and that the Easter bunny way kind to you!

If you're taking it easy, why not sit back and relax with a little Sunday inspiration? Enjoy.


I'm loving this petrol effect eye make up. The pop of gold shadow is so unusual over purple, but it really works and grabs your attention. I shall have to do my own spin on this look at some point.


This dress is lovely!


This skirt is amazing. The skirt dreams are made of.


Isn't this yellow dress stunning? The shape is lovely, and the collar finishes it off perfectly.


This image comes from a 1950s inspired wedding, which looks like the perfect wedding down to every last detail. If vintage is your thing, follow the source and check it out!


This woman has the most perfect hair style and colour. Dream hair!


I adore this eye make up look, and all these gorgeous colours together. This is definitely going on my list of looks to try!


Loving this fiery eye make up look.


How cute is this manicure?


I'd love to learn how to create cakes as pretty and intricate as these. They're amazing.


Love this.


No rainbows without rain.


The bedroom area looks so light and airy.


I think this image of an abandoned railway line is beautiful. It comes from a post of some of the most amazing abandoned places in the world. Take a look!


This is brilliant!


So true!


This really make me laugh!


And the most random image of the week award goes to...


F*ck the begrudgers, and be proud of who you are!


This squirrel was found in a bag of mulch when it was a tiny little newborn, and was taken home, nursed, and cared for. It grew up in to this happy little rodent!


This tiny little turtle lives on a strawberry farm in Australia.


And I shall leave you with perhaps the happiest dog in the world. And people say all Pit Bulls are ferocious and dangerous! Follow the source to see more adorable photos of this pup with these little bunnies and chick.



  1. Happy Easter!

    Some of these images have made me laugh like the last one and the moat bed, while others have made me want new clothes!

    I look forward to this on a uUnday along with Postsecret :) x

    1. Apparently I can't spell Sunday! x

    2. I thought the moat bed idea was brilliant! It would certainly solve a few problems. Haha!

      Aw thank you so much! And you've just reminded me to check Postsecret; I love it too! :)

  2. Hope your having lots of Easter eggs :) xx

    1. I was spoilt with lots of goodies, thanks, hun. Hope you had a great Easter, too xx

  3. I always love these posts :)


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