Monday, 4 March 2013

Polka Dots and Skull Studs

Good Morning lovelies,

Did everyone have a good weekend? What did you all get up to?

On Friday night, I went off to the cinema to see Safe Haven with my two sisters and our friend, Clare. It was my first cinema trip in a year, and counting my recent venture to see Ronan Keating in concert, my second evening out in eighteen months! It was perhaps a bad move on my part; I was in so much pain and was constantly squirming in my seat as I couldn't get comfortable. I really enjoyed doing something 'normal' for a change, though, and getting to spend some quality time with the girls. I also loved the film, so I figure it was worth the pain.

I'd missed going to the cinema. I used to go regularly but I struggle to sit in a chair for more than ten minutes these days because of the pain. I need to work on pushing myself so I can go more often. I hadn't seen a new chick flick in a long time, and Safe Haven was lovely. I'd recommend it if you like romantic chick flicks with a bit of eye candy.  Hello, Josh Duhamel! Safe Haven is another of Nicholas Spark's novel adaptions, which also include The Notebook, Dear John, and The Lucky One. I don't like his books (I find them so badly written), but I do enjoy movies, even if they do all have the same basic storyline. Have any of you seen Safe Haven yet?

Of course, an evening at the cinema requires an outfit, so I have a quick OOTD to share with you this morning.

I kept things simple for the excursion to the cinema. Comfortable clothing, no belt, and limited accessories so I wouldn't restrict my comfort while sitting down for a couple of hours.

I wore one of my favourite dresses; my M&Co red polka dot tea dress which my Mum treated me to back in Autumn to cheer me up after a bad hospital appointment. It's become one of my most invaluable garments which I love to wear time and time again. It's so pretty, I love the shape and fit, and it's comfortable, too.

 I paired it with thick black leggings, and my favourite jacket. The jacket is a cropped military jacket I bought from Red Herring a couple of years ago. I adore it, and would live in it given half the chance. It's so soft, and I love wearing it- especially over all of my dresses. I really don't care whether military is in trend when I wear it or not, I'm besotted with this jacket.

I accessorised with my grey Liquorish quilted skull-studded clasp bag. Now wasn't that a mouthful? The front is covered in little grey studs, and the bag has two straps which can change it from a clutch to a shoulder bag. I'm so impressed with that feature as it makes the bag so versatile and gives so many more outfit options. The bag can be found on sale here.

The only other accessories I was wearing here are a pair of ladybird earrings, a heart friendship bracelet, and a red rose Cath Kidston bracelet.

Outfit Details

Dress- M&Co // Leggings- New Look // Jacket- Red Herring // Bag- Liquorish // Earrings- Accessorize // Rose bracelet- Cath Kidston // Heart friendship bracelet- Gift from a friend

Have you been to the cinema lately?

Thanks for reading,


  1. Oh i love the skull studs on the bag!

    1. I'm so in love with those skull studs, too. Had to snap one up as soon as I saw the bag online!

  2. I've not been to the cinema in ages I really should rectify this! It's really lovely to see you going on little outings :) you look gorgeous as always xx

    1. You should! It's always so much fun. Aw thanks, hun. I'm really trying to push myself to get out when I can for the sake of my sanity! xx

  3. Lovely outfit! Glad you got to go out for another evening, hope you enjoyed! Red really suits you :) xxx

    1. Thanks, Hannah. I had a lovely evening out and about. Can't go wrong with a good chick flick! Thank you! I need to wear red more often xx

  4. Thank you for the kind comment on my blog- I love Aussie I use their leave in conditioner, but I find there products just don't last long enough.
    Glad you got out for a second night out- shame the pain ruined it. I struggle with going to the cinema too but it's because most films are in 3D so I can either wear my glasses in the 3D glasses :(

    Ps I have a giveaway on my blog at the moment where you can win a load of prizes including a beautifuk velvet turban from Crown and Glory, plus there'd loads if ways to enter (so you don't even have to follow my blog)

    1. You're welcome, Jodie. I know what you mean; I can use up their products so fast.

      I didn't let the pain ruin it; sort of used to it now after 18 months in constant pain. I enjoyed it! I have the same problem with 3D films now I've ran out of contact lenses. I've had to resort to wearing 3D glasses over my glasses a few times! I'll definitely enter your giveaway, and I'm already a follower of your blog xx

  5. You should snap it up! It's such a great bag, and it's on sale now so a great bargain, too! I've seen it in black, too, if that's more your style :)


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