Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Wednesday Wish List

1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8 // 9 // 10 //

I'm writing this at nearly half past one in the morning, trying to distract myself as best I can with all these pretty things. In less than twelve hours I'll be at the hospital allowing a podiatrist to do some minor surgical procedures to my big toes. And I'm nervous. I'm probably anxious for nothing; but the thought of having to stay still for a couple of hours while a doctor hacks at my toes is so unappealing, not to mention tricky with the pain from my back injuries. I am, however, looking forward to having one less area of pain to deal with, and eventually being able to wear shoes again without screaming. (Irregular Choice shoes, here I come!). And, please don't get me wrong, I'm grateful to finally have this appointment since it's taken six months to get  it; I'm just a little nervous. Fingers crossed it isn't as painful as I'm imagining.

Anyway, moving on from Tales of an Invalid, this week I've once again been longing for Spring, some warmer weather, floaty skirts, florals, pastels, bunnies, stripes, and satchels.  I think my choices are pretty self explanatory; I want to wear long skirts and light flowing fabrics, put flowers in my hair, and add a satchel over my shoulder for a bohemian effect. 

My favourites are 1, 4, 5, 6, and 10, although the bunny tee has really captured my heart, too. I think the floral Monsoon dress is so pretty, perfect for Spring, and I adore the black and striped Forever 21 dress. I'm sure it would be so comfortable in the sunshine. The mint Crown and Glory headband is stunning, although I would love a 'Not A Lotta Rosie', which has smaller flowers, in this shade; I hope they add one! As for satchels, I have my eye on the above three- I may have a slight satchel addiction. The tan Warehouse one is gorgeous; I hope I can own it eventually, and the two Cambridge satchels are lovely. I'm still surprised that I'm drawn to lilac at the minute since I rejected it for so many years, but the heart wants what it wants!

Which piece is your favourite?

What's on your wish list?

Thanks for reading,


  1. your wish lists make me want to buy everything lol! xx

    1. I should really put up a disclaimer, shouldn't I? Haha! 'Louise takes no responsibility for any purchases made'. Lol xx

  2. That monsoon dress is on my wishlist, I had to mystery shop in there the other day and try it on. Was so tempted, but managed to stick to my shopping ban.

    1. I've seen it in a couple of their window displays and it really is beautiful. I wouldn't have been able to leave without it, though, so well done you!

  3. Ohh, that lilac satchel! I hope things went well at the podiatrist xxx

    1. It's so pretty! Yes, everything went okay, thanks, Hannah. Just taking it easy now as it's quite painful xx


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