Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Pretty Green Eyes So Full of Wonder

I love colourful eye make up. I always have done and I probably always will. I love experimenting with different colours, shades, and hues, and different colour combinations, but you're most likely to find me wearing green eyeshadow in some shape or form.

I'm not sure why green is my favourite, or exactly when it became my signature look, but I enjoy wearing it, and think it's a colour palette which works best with my brown eyes.

I used to wear make up almost every day, but since injuring my back and spending most of my time at home in bed, I've got a bit lazy and not worn make up so often. I genuinely miss wearing make up, so I'm trying to make a habit of putting my face on on the 'good' days. Last week, I created a simple green eye look, and finished with a coat of black mascara.

In these photos, the only make up I'm wearing is on my eyes and eyelashes. I just couldn't be bothered to apply a base for lounging around the house. I apologize for the appearance of my face!

 I used three shades of apple green eye shadow. I applied a medium shade over each lid, and then blended a lighter shade to the inner sockets, and a darker shade to the last third of the lids, and blended it all together. I then applied a coat of black mascara to both sets of lashes. Simple as that. 

This look is very simple, and not at all perfect, but I wanted to share it as it's been a while since I last posted a make up look here on my blog.

For this look, I used my Inglot Freedom palette, and used the three green shadows in the centre of the green row. (Light, Med, Dark). I don't want to damage the eyeshadows by lifting them out of the palette to check their shades, but if any of you want to know the number of a particular shade leave me a comment and I'll happily look for you.

I ADORE my Inglot eye make up. They're some of the best make up I have ever owned. The colours are highly pigmented and long lasting, and work well wet or dry. Inglot have an extensive selection of colours, and they look so striking. The thing I love most about Inglot is that each palette and eyeshadow is sold separately, so you can customise a palette to suit your budget and taste. You don't have to fill every square straight away; so you're able to add new colours as and when you have the money to treat yourself, or when a new colour catches your eye. I think they're reasonably priced, too. I highly recommend their eyeshadows (I currently own 3 palettes/22 shadows and love them!),  and I'm confident they won't disappoint you, so why not check Inglot out here? I've not been asked or paid to promote Inglot, I'm just genuinely passionate about their make up!

Have you tried Inglot make up yet?

Do you enjoy wearing colourful eye make up?



  1. belated happy first birthday! your blog is just fabulous and i love it (i an the worst commenter lately-job, kids and blinking studying bleugh!)the green makes your pretty eyes pop x

    1. Thank you, Maria! You're so kind, and you're a great commenter! I always love reading your comments. xx

  2. I love this! A simple block colour looks awesome, I'd love to try this, those Inglot shades are amazing xxx

    1. Thanks, Hannah. You really should try some Inglot make up. They're one of the best brands I've ever tried, and they have the best selection of colours I've ever seen! I'd be very surprised if you didn't find the perfect shades for you with them xx


I love reading all your lovely comments, so don't be afraid to leave me a comment or a question below! I'll do my best to reply ASAP!

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