Sunday, 17 March 2013

Sunday Favourites #21

Good morning folks,

It's Sunday, which means it's time for my weekly post of photos and quotes which have inspired me throughout the week. Enjoy...

How does Dita manage to look so polished and well put together each time she's photographed? It seems like she never has an off day. I love the polka dot coat she's wearing.

A fabulous example of how to wear the new monochrome trend for a more formal event.


Proof that you don't have to be a size zero to look amazing in horizontal stripes. I need this dress.


A girl can never go wrong with a beautiful navy polka dot frock paired with something red. Love this.


This is beautiful.




I want that red polka dot skirt.


I'm going to give this a go next time I have a little patience.

A lovely, colourful braid.

"Your body. Your rules. Do not let society fuck you up."

Amen to that. What a brilliant image.


This is Heidi, a rabbit with arthritis in her hips and knees that goes swimming a few times a week to ease her pain! The little set of photos left me smiling on a rough day. I think it's one of the cutest things ever. Follow the source for the rest of the cute photos.

In all my years of studying animal care at college, work experience, owning bunnies, and working with pets for five years, I only once gave a rabbit a bath. Needless to say, the poor bunny did not like being in an inch of water, ended up looking like a drowned jack rabbit, and soaked me in his eagerness to get out of the sink. It took me about two hours to dry the poor thing with a hair dryer!

This gave me a giggle. Panda dog is adorable.

I LOVE this full length-mirror turned jewellery stand. I'm presuming it's a DIY job, but I imagine it would be reasonably easy to convert. There's a great list of storage tips for the bedroom at the source- check them out!


This tutorial for how to turn a book in to a clock is amazing. I'd love to turn the cloth bound Alice in Wonderland book from this collection (with the gorgeous pink flamingo print) in to one.


Stunning purple hair.


You have survived, and you are awesome!


Make each day count!

Which image is your favourite?

Thanks for reading,


  1. I love panda dog and the book clocks :) you can buy those jewellry mirrors groupon did one on sale a few weeks ago for about £60 xx

    1. Panda dog is amazing! Haha. Oh really? I just assumed it was a DIY job. Interesting... I wish I had a spare £60! xx

  2. The pandog. The flowery braid. The mirror. The end quote. Amazing inspiration today xxx


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