Friday, 8 March 2013

An Introduction to My New Feature: How to Wear Colour

I often get asked how I wear colour so confidently. Friends, colleagues, and even strangers will comment on my colourful outfit, make up, or nail polish, and confide that they wish they could wear colour like I can. This is also a subject I hear regularly from my lovely readers. So many of you long to wear colourful clothes and make up, but tell me you would never have the confidence to do so, not in a million years.  

Now I'm going to tell you the same thing I tell every person who asks me:  you can wear colour. Yes, that's right, you can. It just takes some confidence, practise, and trial and error. The confidence to wear colour can be gained through finding the right pieces for you and easing colour in to your style gradually. I will be honest, finding the confidence to wear colour doesn't often happen over night, but I promise you it is possible to find it no matter how shy and self-conscious you may be. 

And that's where I come in. I will be bringing you a new feature dedicated to colour: How to wear it, where to find it, how to build up your colour confidence, and everything in between. A feature I hope will be able to tell you everything you've ever wanted to know about wearing colour.

I was originally planning to write a single post about colour, but I soon realised there was far too much that I wanted to cover, and an endless list of possibilities to post about.

Some of the subjects I plan to cover are...

~ My love of colour. 

~ Where to start.

~ Which colours to wear.

~ How to build up your confidence with colour.

~ How to wear colourful clothing.

~ Accessorising with colour.

~ Wearing nail colour.

~ How to wear colourful make up.

~ Wearing colour when you're plus size.

~ Colour blocking.

~ Wearing colour with black and white.

~ How to wear all the colours of the rainbow I can think of.

~ Wearing colour for different occasions- weddings, work, nights out etc.

~ How to wear colour to achieve different looks, styles, trends etc.

~ Outfit ideas.

~ Best colourful buys.

~ Different garments, colours, hues, textures, fabrics.

~ Inspiration from celebrities, fictional characters, street style etc.

And that's just the tip of the ice berg. I was brain-storming last night, and jotted down over seventy ideas for blog posts!

I'd love to know if you guys would like me to make this in to a potentially permanent, on-going feature. Would you be interested in reading these posts week after week, or is the thought of it being dragged on unappealing?

I would also love to know if there's anything about colour which you'd like me to cover. Is there anything you've always wanted to know about wearing colour, or something you'd like to be featured? If you have any thoughts, questions, or requests, please get in touch! You can leave me a comment below, email me at, or tweet me @frecklesanddots.

I look forward to hearing from you!

I've a lot to work on before I can begin this feature, and I haven't decided how frequent the posts shall be; once a week, twice a week, every day? Nor have I decided which day or days of the week to dedicate to all things colour. Again, your thoughts would be much appreciated!

I hope to bring the next post to you really soon.

Thanks for reading,


  1. Yayyy I totally need this post hahah! I must admit, I think my fondness for lack of colour stems more from a preference (I really do just like black) but this will be hugely inspiring especially as summer rolls around and I want to de-Goff just a bit. It sounds like you have loads of post ideas so post as often as you like, the more posts I get to read on your blog the better! :) (Or you could always just write the posts now when you're inspired, and keep them in your drafts for days/weeks you're not as inspired to post!) xxx

    1. There's nothing wrong with prefering to wear black, either! You always look so stylish in it! I'll do my best to bring you some inspiration, in case you want it, though. I've got quite a few ideas planned. I'm writing them as and when I've got the inspiration and some peace to write them. xx

  2. This sounds really fun! I love colour too - it just takes a bit of practice:D

    1. Thank you! I completely agree. Once you're used to wearing it, it's really not so scary xx

  3. Great idea :) can't wait to see all the colour xx


I love reading all your lovely comments, so don't be afraid to leave me a comment or a question below! I'll do my best to reply ASAP!

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