Monday, 18 March 2013

The verdict falls like bachelors for bad luck girls

This morning I've got a quick nail polish post for you, since it's been several weeks or maybe a few months since I last did one, and I've been playing around with some new nail polishes lately.

My nails are currently a cheerful forget-me-not blue, with a lovely iridescent blue that has a hot pink sheen layered on top of my thumbs and ring finger nails.

I made it to Superdrug at the end of the week for bandages for my toes, and got side-tracked with their huge nail polish selection. I came across a brand I'd never seen or heard of before called '2true', and was drawn to the above polish in shade 20, which I allowed myself to buy as it was just £1.99 (for 7ml).

I applied three coats to my nails whilst watching Comic Relief on Friday night, but two would have sufficed. I have to say it dries quite quickly, and smoothly, and the end result stays true to the colour in the bottle. The brush is long and easy to handle, and the pot is light weight and small enough to slip in to your make up bag. I love the sweet colour, and I really am impressed with the polish so far.

After my nails had all dried, I decided to try a coat of Models Own 'Indian Ocean' on top of the polish on my ring fingers and thumbs. Indian Ocean is a pale iridescent blue polish, with a hot pink sheen to it. Worn on it's own, the nail colour is very pale and doesn't wow me, but I love how it looks layered over other colours. So far I've tried it with lilac and lavender shades- it looks amazing with purple! With the 2true paint, it gives a subtle and complementing shimmer of blue and magenta, and I like how they look together.

I applied just the one coat of Models Own, which dried very quickly, and left my nails feeling super smooth.

... or at least it did until I went to bed and ruined the texture whilst I slept. Who needs to buy textured polish when you can create some texture unknowingly while you sleep for free?

Overall I love this look, and I'm impressed with both nail polishes, separately and together. I've had this manicure on my fingers for three nights so far, and they've only just started to chip in places. A feature I love. Quick drying, hard wearing, reasonably priced, and pretty... there's little else I could ask for in a nail polish, and I've been lucky enough to discover two of 'em.

The colours are sweet, and a sign I'm beginning to put aside the winter hues, and embrace the Spring pastels once more.

Have you tried 2true nail polishes yet? Do you use Models Own polishes? How would you wear 'Indian Ocean'?

Thanks for reading,


  1. What gorgeous colours! Wow, I love this xxx

    1. They really are gorgeous, and so different to what I normally wear xx

  2. I have that models own polish, I love putting it over different colours :) x

    1. Somebody suggested I try it over different colours, so I'm now on a mission to try it over almost every polish I try. Love it xx


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