Friday, 1 March 2013

Threw caution to the wind, but I've got a lousy arm

I really need a fringe trim! 

Morning guys!

Who's looking forward to the weekend? Have you got anything exciting planned?

I was back at my Sister's for a couple more days this week. I only returned home on Sunday after ten days at hers, but she had a couple of days off again so we took the opportunity to escape and spent a day and a half vegged out in her living room watching movies and some good ol' Vicar of Dibley. The perfect way to spend a lazy couple of days.

Somehow I managed to pack light for the first time in my life, and this is what I wore yesterday for travelling home. A simple black and blue outfit, with a reappearance from my AX Paris polka dot dress- it's becoming one of my favourite dresses to wear again. I wore it with comfortable black leggings, and a three quarter length sleeve black cardigan with a scalloped neckline. I accessorised with the only two accessories I bothered to pack- my new collar necklace (which you've seen a couple of times recently), and my beautiful black Guess bag.

I bought the Guess bag in New York in 2011. I don't normally find myself drawn to black handbags; most I've laid eyes on have looked cheap, tacky, and well, a bit boring to me. I like my colour too much! Though when I saw this one in Guess' Soho branch, I couldn't get it to the till quick enough.

It's a large shoulder bag, with so much room, and the prettiest paisley patterned lining. The fabric on the outside is ruched, and the quality of it is just fantastic; hopefully it'll be with me for a very long time. It's one of those bags that goes with just about everything, and makes an especially good day bag. It was worth the investment.

Outfit Details

Dress- AX Paris // Leggings- New Look // Cardigan- Dorothy Perkins // Collar- Evans //
// Bag- Guess //

Unfortunately my two big toes have become so painful now that I can only wear flip flops, so everything has to be worn with a pair of havaianas... not so fun in Winter! And not so stylish with pretty dresses when the pairs I own are bright pink, yellow, and turquoise! I wore the turquoise with this outfit.

Thankfully, after six months with two unhappy red raw toes, I've finally got a little surgical appointment with a podiatrist arranged for a few week's time. I'm nervous, but mostly looking forward to being able to wear pretty shoes again!

I have a feeling I may have to celebrate that day's arrival with the adoption of a couple of pairs of shoe babies. Well, it would be rude not to!

I hope you all have a brilliant weekend.

Thanks for reading,


  1. Lovely outfit as always - awesome dress! I hope your toes get better soon eek it must be so painful :( xxx

    1. Thanks so much, Hannah :). I do love this dress. Hopefully the little op will sort the toes out. They're very painful at the minute, so I'm looking forward to getting them sorted xx

  2. Love your outfit :) you look fab I bet your feet are freezing!! Xx

    1. Thanks, lovely. :) Yep, there have been days when my feet have felt like ice, but it's better than the pain I get when my toe touches anything, so I'd rather freeze! xx

  3. Oh I hope you manage to get your feet sorted out soon, it's horrid to have pain in your feet.
    Love the polka dot dress, it looks great on you so no wonder you get a lot of wear from it.

    1. Hopefully my upcoming appointment will be the beginning of the end. Thankfully I only have pain in two toes, and mostly just when they touch something, so it could be worse. Aw thank you so much :). I love it xx

  4. Your hair looks so cute with the rest of this outfit!

    7% Solution​


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