Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Wednesday Wish List

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Now March has appeared and the sun has started to shine that little bit brighter, I'm really beginning to get excited for Spring and some warmer weather. The blue skies and sunshine have had me day dreaming about wearing coral and mint, lilac and yellow. Of wearing brighter colours and pastel tones, dresses with cropped cardigans, and outfits with a nautical feel. I can't wait for the seasons to change so I can start adding to my summer attire again; I think those fashion aspirations are reflected in this week's Wednesday Wish List.

The colours I've been drawn to have mostly been much brighter and softer than the deep hues of Winter. I'm itching to set aside the oxbloods and teals, and fill my wardrobe with these pieces instead.

Predictably, my sights have been set on beautiful fitted dresses, and colourful cardigans. I bet you never expected that! A girl can never have too many dresses or cardigans. They're wardrobe staples, and I'm constantly on the look out for new colours and designs to wear. I hope to acquire the above three.

I'm also in need of some new Havaianas, since flip flops are currently the only footwear I can wear due to infection in my big toes. I desperately need a black pair because my colourful collection look odd at this time of year.

And another of my current lusts is Cath Kidston's beautiful wild strawberry print. I could happily collect the whole collection, but I'd settle for the cute plimsolls, and the hair bobbles. I'm certain they'd look amazing with my dresses!

What's on your wish list right now?

Thanks for reading,


  1. That eshakt dress is amazing! I'm trying to stop spending money, but failing miserably!

    I live in Havaianas in the summer, a girl can't have too many pairs :) x

    1. Isn't it? I've fallen in love with it. I only clicked on to the eshakti website for the first time the other day, after hearing about them for so long. Could snap up so much of it. Spending is just too tempting! I'm completely penniless, so nothing for me for a while.

      I do, too. They're the most comfortable flip flops I've ever owned. And I completely agree! xx


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