Monday, 1 April 2013

Little Things

Happy Easter Monday!

 Did everyone have a good Easter? Mine was a quiet one spent in bed, but I still had a pleasant day.

 I made sure to watch Steel Magnolias, which is one of my all time favourite films, and one I have to watch each Easter without fail. It's the perfect Easter movie, and such a feel good girlie film. It never fails to make me cry, but I also have a sense of contentment whenever I watch it. It's just lovely. If you haven't seen it before and you love a good chick-flick, then you have to grab yourself a copy pronto, and watch it! You won't regret it!

I also lounged around in my new spearmint green chiffon dress from Matalan, which will hopefully be coming to an outfit post very soon, and my Mum cooked a roast dinner with turkey and all the trimmings. It's a meal reserved for just Christmas and occasional Easter Sundays, so it was a lovely surprise to be greeted with yesterday.

I got this little loot of chocolate from my family. As everybody had left their Easter egg shopping until the last minute, I only got something egg-shaped from the parents, and my sisters bought me various decadent chocolates instead. I feel spoilt, though!

As I've had to take it even easier than normal these past ten days or so, I've been mostly confined to bed with a big stack of fashion magazines, and my book to keep me occupied when I've not been online. I was so excited to find the new issue of Company High Street Edit in Sainsbury's last week. It's one I always look forward to reading as it combines two of my favourite things- fashion and Company Magazine!

I'm currently reading Dean Koontz's 'Sole Survivor'. It's about a man called Joe Carpenter who lost his wife and two young daughters in a fatal plane crash which killed everybody aboard. A year after the crash, Joe, who is so grief-stricken from losing his family, has stopped living, begins to learn of a conspiracy covering up the truth. He goes on a mission to uncover the truth, whilst a powerful organisation pursues him, determined to keep him from it. It's a really gripping read, and I've been finding it so hard to set it down to blog, sleep, and eat. I always enjoy Dean Koontz's novels, but this is definitely one of the best I've read after The Taking. Check it out!

Since I've been a bit under the weather recently, my older sister treated me to some amazing Moomin stationery! Growing up, The Moomins was one of my favourite cartoons, and I've always remembered it quite fondly. We both got a little excited when we discovered the stationery in Waterstones, and she decided to treat me to some of it as she knows I'm obsessed with stationery, particularly notebooks and writing sets.

I got an A5 hardback notebook which I may use for jotting down my blog ideas.

It has lined paper, with a little sketch in the corner, and little Moomins all over the first page.

Aren't these little drawings of Moomin adorable?!

I got a 'To Do List' jotter, which will be great for scribbling down lists and ideas.

The inside cover is also covered with Moomins.

She also got me a set of notecards.

They come in a little metal tin.

Which contains 16 pink envelopes, and 16 pink Moomin notecards.

And finally, I was given a little book of Moomin post it notes.

It's filled with lots of sticky notes in various sizes, designs, and colours.

It's true love! I love it all.

Well, this random little post has been to show you the little things which have been making me smile lately.

What makes you smile when you're not feeling yourself?



  1. I love all the moomin stuff I saw it when I was out shopping and was very tempted but managed to resist xx

    1. It's adorable. I don't know how you managed to resist them! xx

  2. Aw so much cute stuff! Love the writing stuff, if you ever want a pen pal let me know!xxx

    1. It's all so cute. It's been a very, very long time since I last had a pen pal! xx


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