Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Haul | Body Shop Bargains

The Body Shop is one of my go-to brands for bath and body products, and it has been for as long as I can remember. Thankfully, things have progressed somewhat from the days I used to receive White Musk scented toiletries of theirs for Christmas. I always hated that scent, but I'm sure we've all been given a set of it for Christmas at some point in our lives! Please tell me I'm not the only one?

I can never resist a quick browse whenever I'm in town, and I recently snapped up a few little bargains on sale, most of which I'm going to stock pile for Christmas and birthday presents, as I'm determined not to be penniless over the festive season this year.

Would you like to see what I've been buying?

During one trip, I bought three little sets for just a couple of pounds each.

This little bauble contains a 50ml coconut body butter, and a 10ml coconut lip butter, and came to about £3. I originally intended to save this for a Christmas present, but decided I wanted it for myself, so went back to buy another!

 I love the coconut scented Body Shop products so much, as they smell divine and remind me of summer. I always have some coconut body butter on the go to keep my legs and feet silky smooth during the summer months. It's one of my most favourite beauty products of all time, because it works so beautifully.

 I'd never used the lip butter before, but I'm so impressed with it so far. It has made my lips softer than any lip balm has ever done in my life! I'm prone to very chapped dry lips, but since I began using it a few days ago, my lips have been transformed!

I got a little set of fruit shaped, and fruit scented soaps with a bath lily for £2.50. This has gone in the present stash. My Nana and Grandad used to give us big pots filled with novelty soaps when we were growing up, so this set makes me so nostalgic!

I also bought two sets of animal shaped soaps with a bath lily for £2.50. I gave one set to my little sister, and have put the other aside for Christmas.

I bought myself a 250ml Cucumber Cleansing Milk to try. It was just £2.

And I couldn't resist this 250ml Banana Conditioner. It smells just like those banana yoghurts typically found in packed lunches in the nineties! I haven't used it yet, but it smells amazing. I think it was about £4.

And finally, I bought these four 250ml shower gels which were sold in a set in an outlet shop for about £9 for all four! Strawberry, Mango, Shea, and Chocomania. I haven't decided what to do with them yet, but they'll probably be given away as presents as I currently have about seven or eight big Body Shop shower gels in a rainbow of scents.

So, that was my little haul of bargains. I hope you've enjoyed it.

Have you bought any bargains from The Body Shop lately?


  1. Such a good idea stocking up now! You have some total bargains!
    I had a phase where I LOVED the smell of White Musk. I was about sixteen and think I mentioned it to my (first-ever) boyfriend's mum, to which she replied, 'Ah white musk, yes that's lovely, that's what your Auntie Jan always wears, isn't it Mark!'

    It put me off for life. No one wants to smell like their boyfriend's auntie hahaha xxx

    1. I can't afford to buy everything at once right now, so I'm trying to be sensible. The only problem is, I keep finding so many great bargains.

      Yeah, that's the last thing any girl ever wants to hear, especially at sixteen! Haha! Poor you!! xx

  2. Great bargains I can't believe you have a bauble in April lol xx

    1. Me neither! I know I'm a Christmas person, but that's just crazy! Haha. Although, I'm so glad I bought them because that coconut lip butter is the best lip balm I've ever tried. xx


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