Friday, 12 April 2013

My Polka Dot Collection Part Two: My Tops

Last Friday I shared my collection of polka dot dresses with you, and this week I'm going to show you my little collection of polka dot tops. 

This is part two in my polka dot collections mini series. You can see the first post here, if you so desire.

My wardrobe is full of colour, dresses, cardigans, prints, and polka dots!

I've had this pretty little navy blouse for two or three years now. I bought it from Dorothy Perkins as I couldn't resist the combination of navy and white polka dots, and crochet detail- it's just so lovely. It's fitted nicely on top, and then it flares out in to an A-line shape. It's without a doubt, one of the prettiest tops I own.

This one is a bubble-hem top with short sleeves and a lovely lace collar, and came from New Look Inspire a few years ago.  This is another pretty top, although bubble hems mostly just drive me insane as they never stay in place, and it's a little loose on top. I often find New Look Inspire clothes to be too big for me around the shoulders and chest; their sizing is usually very generous... does anybody else find that? I still love this top, though, and I enjoy wearing it from time to time.

This lovely black blouse is probably the oldest garment in my wardrobe. I remember wearing it as far back as 2008, but I'm not sure when I bought it exactly. I've always loved this top. It's so comfortable, soft, and classic, and the ruffles and capped sleeves actually soften and flatter my broad shoulders. (I've always hated my shoulders). I've worn this top with everything from jeans to cropped jeans and cargo trousers to skirts. This was another one of my Dorothy Perkins finds... They almost always have some polka dot beauties in their collections, and are one of the first places I'll head to if I'm looking for something dotty.

This is the latest polka dot addition to my wardrobe. This little red beauty is by Red Herring at Debenhams, and last week it was on promotion for just £9 instead of £18. I bought it to wear with my hummingbird print skirt, and because I haven't got enough red/red polka dots in my wardrobe. I'm smitten with it!

This orange tunic was a present from my Mum (although I chose it), and it came from M&Co last September. I've only worn it a couple of times so far, but I'm hoping to incorporate it in to my summer wardrobe somehow. I actually like wearing orange, but I own very little of it.

And last but not least is my white and blue polka dot cardigan from F&F at Tesco. I bought this cute cardigan last summer, but only wore it for the first time about a week ago. I'm sure going to wear it to death this Spring,  especially now the weather is getting a little warmer. Considering it's from a supermarket, I think the quality of it is fantastic. It's far nicer than a lot of what can be found on the high street... and was probably a little cheaper, too. And, of course, if something has polka dots on it I'm more likely than not going to love it!

So, that was my polka dot tops collection...

I hope you've enjoyed having a little peek in to my wardrobe!

Do you own many polka dot tops in your wardrobe? I'm sure a few of you would be able to put my little collection to shame...


  1. Love those esp the cardigan and red top they are so cute xx


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