Sunday, 7 April 2013

Sunday Favourites #24

I have seen, reblogged, and pinned so many brilliant images this week, that I had a hard time deciding which ones to cut from this post. I had to leave so many out, and yet this blog post is still going to be a mammoth one. So on that note, I'm going to shut up, and just get on with the good stuff!


This floral dress is beautiful.


This is tugging on my colour-loving heart strings. How great do those colours look together?


This lady looks fabulous in polka dots. Through Pinterest, I discovered her plus size blog "Big or Not To Big", and how fantastic her style is. I'd recommend checking her blog out if you don't follow her already. The blog is in French, but who needs words when great style is involved? (Or there's always the translate button, of course!)


I'm so in love with this dress! In my opinion, there should be more green leopard print clothes in the world. Just me? Okay, then.


This is from a plus size clothing brand called Curvalicious Clothes. From what I can tell from their website, they're a Canadian brand who stock sizes 12-32 (American sizes, I'm presuming). I don't know if they deliver internationally, but they have some really beautiful clothes- like this cherry print dress above- and are worth checking out!


I love this lady's simple yet chic outfit, but most of all, I just want her parasol! Might look out of place in this country, but hey, who cares?


How does Zooey Deschanel always get it so right? This outfit is so pretty and perfect. I need that mint dress in my wardrobe!


Audrey Tautou looks so elegant and so well put together in this photo from the April edition of Russian Marie Claire Magazine. The mixture of colours and textures just works perfectly together; I would never have thought about pairing pastel blue with such a deep aubergine, but it looks amazing! I'm making a mental note of this colour combo to try later. I must also add that her style here is reminding me so much of Nita's perfect style!


Love this.


Very Disney Princess, but I can't help liking this pink and lilac hair do.


This girl's pastel ombre French plaits are amazing!


Perfect nails for Spring, don't you think?


Why can't we ignore the messages society throws at us, and think for ourselves, instead? We don't have to listen to what society thinks we should think.


I think this image showing which jewellery to wear with which neckline is brilliant!


These pastel nails are lovely.


I wish my bedroom was as pretty as this.


This polka dot cake tutorial was knocking about on Facebook, and now I really want to make one! Doesn't it look amazing? (Yes, I have polka dots on the brain).


These heels are oh so gorgeous... I wish they'd magically appear in my wardrobe.


And perhaps the most brilliant invention ever... a manatee tea infuser! I don't drink tea, but this is enough to make me wish I did! Who doesn't love manatees??

Life is...


Let go of what you can't change.


We're all 'Real Women', no matter what size is stitched in to our clothes.


This is so true!

Be body positive!

And finally...

These GIFS of a Red Panda holding on to somebody's tray of food made me giggle.

I hope you've enjoyed this week's Serendipity Sunday. Which image(s) did you like best?



I love reading all your lovely comments, so don't be afraid to leave me a comment or a question below! I'll do my best to reply ASAP!

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