Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Wednesday Wish List

1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8 // 9 //

This week I have been lusting after:

1. This amazing lilac macaroon ring from And Mary at ASOS. It's the best ring I've seen since my Frog Prince ring! It also comes in pink, and is currently on sale. I hope to make it mine soon to wear with yellow and mint dresses this summer.

2. A pretty navy patterned chiffon dress from Matalan. I've recently picked up this dress in green and navy, and love the simple shape and design. They're so understated and easy to wear, and a steal at just £15 at the moment.

3. I think this lace Dorothy Perkins collar is so pretty, and easily adjusted with a piece of ribbon if you need a little more length.

4. I saw this Mantaray Squirrel rucksack in Debenhams recently, and I instantly fell in love with it. Best. Rucksack. Ever. Fact!

5. This Accessorize weekend bag is the perfect travel bag for taking on a train to head off to amazing concerts in far off places... like the old me loved to do. It also works well for more typical travel needs. My sister damaged my old Accessorize travel bag, so I want to replace it.

6. While I was in Accessorize recently, I saw this cute daisy chain headband, and I have to add it to the wish list as I just love daisies.

7. I find it difficult to find sunglasses which suit my face shape, but this pair of navy and red shades from Dorothy Perkins are perfect. I hope to get these to wear this summer.

8. Bags are one of my main weaknesses, and I almost bought this little Accessorize bag yesterday... but I'm skint. I think this little bag would be perfect over maxi dresses, and other day dresses in the sunshine. I intend to buy this one ASAP.

And lastly...

9. I've fallen in love with this rosebud collar; it's so different to all the other collars on the market at the moment. It's so pretty, and I'm particularly coveting the mint green design. It's from a company called Locketship, whom I know nothing about but seem to sell some really funky accessories. Check them out!

What's on your wish list this week?



  1. Oh I am thinking that squirrel rucksack may have to make it into the Wardrobe Zoo! :)

    1. It definitely needs adopting! It's amazing!

  2. Such pretty things and you KNOW I need that daisy headband! :D xxx

    1. I knew you'd say that the moment I saw it! xx

  3. Omg the squirell bag is amazing!! I don't wear backpacks I wish it came in another style too xx

    1. I let out a squeal when I saw it. I think maybe this is where you start wearing backpacks! It's too cute to pass up. It'd look awesome with your short shorts!! xx


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