Sunday, 21 April 2013

Sunday Favourites #26

It's Sunday, which can only mean one thing... it's time for another inspiring Serendipity Sunday!


This is just perfection! So much colour, so much pattern... LOVE LOVE LOVE!

Coloured tights and coloured books.

Simple yet so chic.

This is so pretty, and how cute is that clutch?

I love this lady's owl print dress, and the heels are cute, too.

Another lovely, simple yet stylish ensemble. I need to get myself a red skirt!

Why had this never occurred to me before?? What a fantastic idea to use a plaster to create dots. I shall be trying this out at some point.

I love these classic navy polka dot, and floral nails.

As part of a public art project in Las Vegas, people were invited to anonymously share their confessions, which were then turned in to art for others to see. (More images at the source).

Can you believe this is art and not a real octopus in a bowl?? An artist called Ken Lye created realistic paintings using resin and acrylics in a bowl to give the illusion of animals sitting in water. They're amazing! The terrapin, and Siamese fighting fish are stunning, too. (More at the source).

This had me laughing for a good couple of minutes. 

There are more important things in life than worrying about whether you have a thigh gap or if your legs touch. 


Ah, so perfectly organised, and what a gorgeous colour scheme.

I'm feeling all these clashing patterns and colours.

Happy, friendly hyenas! The GIFS of a hyena chasing it's tale at the source are so cute. I've always had a soft spot for these animals, and these images make me smile.

Just hanging a few rats out to dry before supper time...

This tugs at my heart strings. Make sure you see the image in response to the note via the source! So cute.


Learn to love yourself.

Don't ever let anyone dull your sparkle. Ever.

Which image is your favourite this week?



  1. the kitty/dog love story? i am all misty eyed, how adorable and sweet- it got a collective awwww from my lot - and true about the sparkle!thats something i always go on about (mine is les cute - don't let people peepee on your sunshine! hehe) x

    1. I know, wasn't that story adorable? It got a few awwwws from me, too. I think it's a great quote, as is yours, and they both carry a great message x

  2. I love your Sunday posts. The story of the cat and dog love story is so cute. x x

    1. Aw thanks so much, Leah :). The cat and dog story is so cute xx

  3. LOVE these this week! That clutch is to die for!!! And those confessions! I wanna do that.

    1. Thanks so much, Lisa :). I LOVE the clutch, too. And the confessions art is brilliant; like an off-line version of Postsecret!

  4. Hey! I'm the girl in the owl dress! Thanks for sharing my picture :)


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