Sunday, 26 May 2013

Sunday Favourites #31

Good morning lovelies,

It's that time of the week again... enjoy!


I'm really inspired by how unique this tattoo is. It almost looks real.


This needle-point style tattoo is also a little different; I like the style.


Love the colour scheme.


This is so pretty.


I need this dress!


This is lovely.


Love the soft tones in this outfit.


This braided bun looks so effortlessly pretty.


This is a great little tutorial for rag curling longer hair. I'll have to try this!


We may be heading for Summer here in the UK, but these Autumn nails were too cute not to share.


This is a fantastic idea!


This /\


This idea of adding beads to safety pins and turning them in to a bracelet is ingenious. I want to have a go!


Re-purposed window used as a decoration above the bed.


Can you imagine if Peacocks were actually these colours?!


This little daschund is best friends with, and a carer to, this disabled lion. The seven year old daschund has looked after the five year old lion since it was a cub, and even cleans his teeth for him after he's eaten! Best odd-couple ever?


I want a baby echidna!


This is a young girl named Tippi Degre who's best friends with African wildlife, including this 28 year old bull elephant named Abu. Click the source; the article is adorable, and amazing.




Don't follow the crowd. Be yourself.


Rise up and make room for the diversity of beauty.


Love this.

// I'm sure you've all heard about the recent controversy surrounding Abercrombie & Fitch after the CEO, Mike Jeffries, publicly admitted that they don't cater for larger sizes because he “doesn't want larger people shopping in his store, he wants thin and beautiful people”; but have you read The Militant Baker's brilliant open letter to him in response? 

// This article was enlightening and inspiring: I'm Chronically Ill and I Still Believe in Body Acceptance.

// I came across a couple of great articles regarding chronic pain, which I thought were spot on. Helpful Things to Say to Someone in Chronic Pain and What NOT to Say to Someone in Chronic Pain. 

Which part was your favourite this week?



  1. oh Louise! you are so part of my sunday morning, I adore this post so much and moomins are now going to be part of my life - as usual I am procrastinating, I have to tidy but we are chilling way too much and going over hubs records and of course loving your post x

    1. Thank you so much, Maria! That's so lovely to say. I'm so glad you enjoy these Sunday posts :). And I'm glad to aid your procrastination! Haha! xx

  2. The articles about what to say/not to say to someone with chronic pain were really helpful, I hated it when people told me something about ~God's Plan~ and whatever when I was ill.

    And the life hacks for tiny closets... such great ideas! I definitely need to try some of them.

    1. I think they were spot on with what they advised. I wouldn't be happy if somebody told me my condition was all part of God's plan. Thankfully I've not had anyone say that to my face; even with one side of my family being catholic. I have heard my fair share of unwanted advise and opinions, though.

      I need to try some of the closet tips, too. xx

  3. i love these posts always so many great images! xx


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