Saturday, 18 May 2013

Day Seventeen: A Favourite Photo of Myself

I've made it past the halfway mark of the blog challenge, and today's theme is 'a favourite photo of yourself and why.'

I was hoping to show you a particular photo of myself taken in 2007, when my hair was still really long, and the sun had brought all the freckles on my face out during a holiday in Cornwall, but I can't locate it anywhere. I was sure I had it saved on my hard drive and backed up on a CD, but apparently not, so I've gone with this one instead...

This photo was taken in New York in August 2011.

It was the most beautiful, hot sunny day, the second day of our holiday, and we were on our way to visit the Statue of Liberty. I had never been out of Europe prior to this holiday, so I was exceptionally excited, and tremendously elated to be in Manhattan, a place I'd dreamt of visiting my entire life. Behind me was the Manhattan metropolis, and in front of me Lady Liberty herself. The iconic views were breath taking, and I was happy to be out on the water with a breeze to take the edge off the heat.

I was full of cold by this point, and my hair was a mess because we were forced to go without hair straighteners all week (hell, I tell you!), but I like this photo of myself. I was wearing an outfit which made me feel good; a dress which is still my favourite today, and I look happy. And that's because I genuinely was!

It was the year I was finally having more good days than bad with the depression I'd been plagued with since my teens. I was coming out of the darkness, and beginning to enjoy life again. I had no worries during this holiday; just fun, excitement, and happiness. I was feeling good about my body, and how I looked. I wasn't hiding from cameras like I'd done for years; I'd finally started accepting myself And I was enjoying being in New York; exploring and sight-seeing, and making great memories. Life. Was. Good.



I love reading all your lovely comments, so don't be afraid to leave me a comment or a question below! I'll do my best to reply ASAP!

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