Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Day 26: A Few Things I've Read Online Recently

Sunday's topic was to share 'something you read online. Leave a link and discuss, if you'd like.'

I'm a little late on posting Day 26's topic, as to be perfectly honest, I was stumped over what I could write about. Everything interesting I've read recently, I've either already shared with you through my Serendipity Sunday series; or has already been widely circulated on the news and in the blog-osphere; or were written by yourselves.

So, I put this post aside for a day or so, did a little online reading, and searched through my bookmarks for ideas. Here are a few articles / posts which I hope you'll find interesting.

// Top 50 Beauty Tips By UK Women.

I wouldn't usually feature anything written by The Daily Mail, but I happened up on a beauty post that I found quite interesting and useful. 

While the article delves further in to beauty tips, the article ends with a list of the top 50 beauty tips used by women in the UK, which you can see below. Most of the tips cost next to nothing, and require natural and house hold items. I'm sure most of you will have learnt a few of these from your parents and grandparents, and probably follow many of them today. I know I do!


Shave legs with hair conditioner was number eight in women's top beauty tips
Shave legs with hair conditioner was number eight in women's top beauty tips
1. Cucumber on eyes to freshen them up
2. Drink two litres of bottled water every day
3. Toothpaste on spots
4. Cold damp tea bags on tired eyes
5. Brush talcum powder through hair to freshen it up and stop it looking greasy
6. Sleep in socks filled with moisturiser for soft feet
7. Pinching cheeks to give a natural blush
8. Shave legs with hair conditioner
9. Lemon juice on highlighted hair
10. Drinking plenty of milk 
11. Toothpaste on insect bites to heal
12. Nail polish in fridge to keep fresh
13. Baking soda on teeth to make them whiter
14. Vaseline on eyebrows to neaten
15. Lipstick on cheeks when you run out of blusher
16. Final hair rinse in vinegar for shine
17. Spray hairbrush with perfume
18. Fish pedicures to smooth feet
19. Cold teaspoons applied to eyes to reduce puffiness
20. Using honey as a face mask
21. Super glue broken fingers nails rather than rip them off
22. Steam face in water with fresh herbs added
23. Vaseline to smooth out frizzy hair
24. Heat up eye lash curlers before using them
25. Sleep on back to avoid wrinkles
26. Add sugar to soap to exfoliate
27. Rinse hair with beer
28. Iron long hair to make it flat (before straighteners were invented)
29. Lemon juice to whiten tips of nails
30. Kept eyebrow & eyeliner pencils and lipsticks in the fridge
31. Pouring milk in to the bath or on skin
32. Apply whisked eggs to hair to make it shiny
33. Whitening toothpaste to get rid of fake tan on palms
34. Mix a drop of serum with foundation to make skin glow
35. Massage an ice-cube over your face to reduce wrinkles and acne
36. Use the cold setting on hair dryer to set mascara
37. Sleeping on a silk pillowcase to reduce wrinkles
38. Tomato ketchup on hair to reverse hair dye
39. Pumpkin and coconut oil on your hair to give it a moisture boost
40. Coffee as a body scrub to beat cellulite
41. Mash up avocado and use as a body scrub
42. Having a cold shower to make boobs appear bigger
43. Burst an evening primrose oil capsule and apply to spots to make the them heal
44. Antihistamine to reduce flushed cheeks
45. Rub fresh strawberries in your face to get rid of freckles
46. Using cranberry juice to boost hair shine and enhance colour
47. Adding peppermint oil to lip gloss to enhance pout
48. Brewer's yeast mixed with water to bleach facial hair
49. Soot from a spent match on a make-up brush, for smoky eyes look
50. A spritz of lemonade on damp hair to give hold and texture

And here are a few other posts worth reading.

// Cool Customiser: DIY Nail Polish! An amazing tutorial for making your own nail polish using clear nail polish and eye shadows. I'm so giving this a go!

// How to Pack For A Carry-On Vacation. Space saving tips for travelling with just a carry-on.

// Brit Women Have £1.6 Billion Pounds of Unworn Clothes! Apparently us Brits have 500 million unworn clothes that could stretch from London to New York four and a half times over if placed on a single clothes rail! That's crazy!

// The Militant Baker's awesome letter to Abercrombie & Fitch's CEO Mike Jeffries, in response to his recent revelations is just brilliant. If you haven't read this yet, you should!

// Life in Your Early Twenties Vs. Your Late Twenties. Accurate. Oh, so accurate.


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