Sunday, 12 May 2013

Sunday Favourites #29

Good morning all,

I've got a jam-packed post of great images for you this week. Let's get started, shall we?

 Purple hair and a floral crown.

Mesmerising blue eye make up... like the ocean on a tropical white sand beach.

Flame like eye make up. <3

Gorgeous coral and leopard print outfit.

This is lovely.

This is so pretty.

The detail on this dress is amazing.

I love the tattoo prints on this beautiful prom dress.

Love these victory rolls, and her cherry tattoo.

I want to make a pasty dish with hearts and stars!

I'm in love with this room's wall design. It's so unique and the colours are just gorgeous.

This is perfect.

This man is one of the good ones.


This is adorable.

Although this may be even cuter. Where can I adopt these little guys??

This beautiful pup has four prosthetic legs after losing all four paws to frost bite when he was abandoned as a puppy. It's amazing we have the ability to give an animal mobility again when such bad things happen.

How cute is this little kitten in a cardigan?

This is so right!

You are you!

We are all wonder women!

This made me laugh more than it should have.

This is brilliant! And he's so right!

// This GIF of a horse is probably funnier than it should be.

// These illustrations explaining about anxiety are perfect.

// This image of a dandelion on fire is pretty cool.

Which bit was your favourite this week?



  1. another perfect post! love the mexican detail dress (i think its mexican!) the anxiety illustrations were poignant, thats how i feel a lot (i didn't even know its anxiety based) i struggle a lot to just 'do things' like go out - i force and challenge myself constantly, and what is bizarre is how i dress as i love my 50's frocks and very red hair - i put a smile on and go out - today is a vintage village in stockport! anyhoo enough of me - another faaaabulous post, love them x

    1. I think the dress looks Mexican, too. It's beautiful. We sound quite alike, Maria. My style and appearance may be quite loud and outgoing, but I'm shy and can be nervous at times, too. I didn't realise it was anxiety, either, until a couple of years ago, but it all makes sense. It's wonderful that you enjoy fashion, and push yourself to do things which you find difficult. You should be proud of that! And thank you! xx

  2. Replies
    1. They are! I just love all those cute Australian marsupials xx

  3. I love these posts of yours SO much. Thanks for collating them for us. x x

    1. Thank you so much, Leah! You've very welcome; I enjoy putting them together for you guys xx

  4. LOL!!! OMG these gave me the best giggle!! And I adore that 'maybe they are both happy' one!! xx

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed them! I love that one, too xx

  5. What a great selection of images, the Robin Williams tweet made me laugh a lot :) And the wonderwomen one is so true!!! And what to say about those animal pics, i'm a lover of animals, they're soo cute!
    xx Tani

    1. Thank you! The Robin Williams tweet has to be one of the funniest things I've seen in ages! xx


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