Thursday, 9 May 2013

Blog Every Day in May Day Nine: A Moment in My Day

Today is day nine of the May blogging challenge, and today's prompt is 'A moment in your day. (This can be just a photo, or both a photo and words).'

Well, I can't say I've got anything interesting to share with you for this topic. I've mostly been in bed today reading and watching a little TV.

I've been attempting to get stuck in to the big pile of magazines I've been meaning to read. One or two of them have been waiting to be read since March! 

I buy (or get given) magazines, to keep myself busy, and with the intention of getting through them the same day, but then I always get preoccupied with blogging. There's always so much to do!

I love reading Company, Cosmopolitan, Look, Grazia, Marie Claire, Glamour, and occasionally Elle and In Style. I love to soak up all the fashion, and also reading the inspiring true life stories.

I've also read a little more of the novel I'm currently reading; Instructions For A Heatwave by Maggie O'Farrell. It's set in the middle of a heat wave in the summer of 1976. A man goes out to get the newspaper, like he does every morning, but this time, he never came back. His wife, and their three grown children who have flown the nest and are living their own lives with their own problems, come back together to try to make sense of his disappearance...  and that's currently all I know.

I'm not quite a third of the way through it, but I've enjoyed it from the start. It's a real page-turner and I'm finding it hard to put down. I've read several of Maggie O' Farrell's novels, and I always find myself engrossed whenever I pick one of her books up. They're so well written, and interesting. I recommend The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox, and After You'd Gone. 

And I watched The Lucky One in the wee hours of the morning. It's another of Nicholas Sparks' book adaptions (the same guy who brought us The Notebook and Dear John). It's about a marine called Logan (played by the alarmingly good-looking Zac Efron... err, when did that happen??) who finds a photo of a woman on the ground in Iraq. When he returns from war, he vows to find the woman to thank her for keeping him alive. He finds her, ends up working in a boarding kennels, and falls in love with a woman called Beth who has a young son. Of course, as with most romance films, there's something in their way in the form of the woman's ex husband... And you'll have to watch it to find out the rest.

It may not be the best film in the world, but I like it, and sometimes those small-town romance films can be exactly what the doctor ordered.

And that pretty much sums up my day... Sorry I have nothing more interesting to share.


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