Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Day Fifteen: A Day in the Life

So I'm just about half way through the Blog Every Day in May Challenge... I actually can't believe it's already mid-May. I don't know how that happened, or where the year has gone; I must have hibernated through a few months, or something. Anyway, before I start rambling on about the weather like a little old lady, the challenge for today is 'A day in the life. (Include photos from throughout your typical day- this can be a photo an hour, if you'd like).'

Well, a typical day in my life is currently likely to be a little different to the average person. 

I can't stray far from my bed, due to the amount of pain I'm in. Sitting up in a chair is quite simply agony, and I struggle to remain on my feet for long because the pain is just that extreme. I'm pushing myself to leave the house as often as I can with a family member, but generally, my limit is an hour out of bed, and mostly the destination is the supermarket. How dull?! 

As the pain is so relentless, I also find it difficult to sleep, and have become nocturnal. I'm lucky if I manage to fall asleep by six am, and then have such broken sleep, I often don't rouse until three or four in the afternoon. It's not ideal, but I've made it work.

So my day runs from about 4:30pm Tuesday afternoon until 6:00am Wednesday morning...

Technically, these photos were taken the evening before my day, but I wanted to include them. I popped to the supermarket with my sister on Monday evening, and on the way home there was an enormous rainbow across the sky through the storm clouds. In fact, there were two! I took these photos with my iPod; I wish I'd had my camera with me as it was beautiful.

I didn't fall off to sleep until almost 9am yesterday morning, which was really frustrating, but I managed to read several chapters of the book I'm reading, 'Instructions For a Heatwave' by Maggie O' Farrell. I'm really enjoying it. I continued to read when I awoke late in the afternoon.

I filled in a little more of my Listography book. I started filling in the page of 'celebrities I've encountered'; although I'm struggling to recall them all. I worked in retail in the Cotswold's, and celebrity customers were a common occurrence. For instance, I sold pet ducks to Ronnie Barker on multiple occasions, and pet chickens to Jeremy Clarkson.

The Graze box I forgot to cancel came in the post. If anybody wants a free Graze box on me, go to, and use code: DXQZDF6D!

I spent some time writing out birthday cards for a few friends' birthdays.

I then spent three hours or so making album sleeves to package a couple of discs I burned for friends. This photo sadly doesn't make them look that good, as it was taken about 10pm when there wasn't daylight to capture them properly.

I watched a few programmes on TV during the evening including The Big Bang Theory, Family Guy, and The Hunger Games.

I spent an hour catching up on Tumblr, and all the amazing images on my dashboard.

And I briefly got absorbed with Pinterest, repinning photos of cute puppies, outfit inspiration, quotes, and Modcloth dresses. The photos of the dog eating an ice cream are my current favourites of the week.

I then worked on putting my Wednesday Wish List post together, using Photoscape to bring all the pieces I'm coveting together and turn them in to a collage. I rarely use a template when making wish list collages like this; I arrange them all by hand to get the look I want.

I discovered a website called Art Box whilst catching up on my reading list. They're a company who sell stationary, clothing, and other gifts, including a huge selection of Moomin products. I wanted to buy it all, but settled on a couple of boxes of Moomin bath confetti (one for me, one for a present) for now. I then found a Care Bears folder which I plan on giving to my sister for her birthday as a silly, novelty gift, as she loved the Care Bears growing up. Who didn't?

And before I went to sleep, it was time for my fourth and last dose of medication of the day.  May I add, this is prescription medication, (not recreational), for my back injuries.

And after I took the last dose of medicine, I shut off the laptop, and settled down with my book again until I fell asleep.

And that is pretty much my Tuesday in a nut shell.


  1. It's nice to see what your day consists of :) xx ps I sent your parcel 1st class today xx


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