Sunday, 19 May 2013

Sunday Favourites #30

Good morning all,

I hope you're all having a great weekend so far. Here's a serving of Sunday inspiration to get your teeth in to. Enjoy.

Beautiful outfit from the Betty Le Bon Bon Facebook page.

I love this outfit, and how the colours work together. I need to remember this combination for future reference!


I discovered a new-to-me fat acceptance Tumblr blog called Clock Works Closet, and this stunning outfit. I've been coveting this Pin Up Clothing dress for so long now, and this lady looks amazing in it.

How lovely is this colourful ensemble? Hot pink and yellow is one of my favourite colour-combinations.

I also love this head to toe coral outfit. Perfect summer colour-blocking.

Emmy Rossum looks so pretty here... I want to wear my hair like this.

Fantastic pillar box red curls.

This little whale tattoo is utterly cute.

The Moomins was one of my favourite childhood cartoons, and the other day whilst looking online for Moomin gifts, I found a blog post dedicated to Moomin tattoos. The one above is adorable, and I also love this one, and this one, and this one, and this one. I now want a Moomin tattoo...

Hair bobbles are so last season...

I found myself amused by photos of tortoises with shell cosies. Stegosaurus tortoise is my favourite.

When this little chimpanzee's mother died (in a zoo), a zoo keeper took him home to take care of him. The zoo keeper's dog had recently given birth to a litter of puppies, and adopted the chimp as her own! Click through and look at the other photos; they tell such a sweet tale.

This little sloth makes me smile.

How precious is this baby skunk?


These photos of a happy dog eating an ice cream are probably the funniest I've seen this week.

If you enjoy cute puppy photos, check these out, too; this one, this one, and this one.

A heart-breaking suicide note.


This photo of the Tianzi Mountains in China is amazing. I wonder if this was the inspiration for the floating Hallelujah mountains in Avatar?

Just in case you want to look like a cat...


And this kitchen is perfect. The colour scheme, and clashing patterns are so right.

// This list of Things to Remember is insightful and helpful.

//  This post is fascinating: 22 Unbelievable Places That Are Hard to Believe Really Exist.

// As is this list of  20 Places to See Before You Die. Somebody get me a one way ticket to the Maldive Islands, Bora Bora, or Thailand's Phi Phi Islands pronto!

And, finally,

// This post of the 50 Cutest Things That Ever Happened is packed full of the most adorable animal photos.



  1. Love all the animals in the weeks post that dog is adorable xx

    1. They're all so cute, aren't they?! xx

  2. Wow! All these girls are rocking it! Love your post!

  3. The moomin tattoo is adorable :)

    1. I agree. It's making me want to get a moomin tattoo myself now! :)


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