Sunday, 12 May 2013

Blog Every Day in May Day Twelve: What I Miss

We've now reached day twelve of the May blogging challenge, and today's topic is 'what do you miss? (A person, a place, a thing, a time of your life...'

Well, in my current situation, I've come to miss many things. On a good day I spend twenty two or twenty three hours in bed; on an average day, I only manage to leave bed to use the bathroom and possibly get dressed. As you can imagine, my injuries have put limitations on what I can actually do, on where I can go, and who I can see; so I do miss so many of the good things from my past.

I miss...

Friends and Family

-I miss my best friend, Angela. I hate that we don't live in the same place these days.
-I miss my good friends and concert buddies Jacky, Ros, and Carol.
-I miss my bunnies, Tigerlily and Honey, who both died over the last thirteen months.
-I miss my sister's dog, Holly, who recently died from cancer. 
-I miss my Grandad who died of lung cancer when I was eleven.

Places and Travel

-I miss New York. It's such an incredible city, and I've made so many great memories there.
-I miss a Cornish town called Perranporth, and the beautiful beaches there. I've been holidaying there since I was a baby,
-I miss the sea. I miss standing in the surf and feeling the force of the waves, and the pull of the tides around my legs. I miss body-boarding, and the smell of salt-water on my skin.
-I miss holidaying in La Palmyre in France. Those holidays were so chilled.
-I miss days out to London, which I used to do a few times a year. We'd catch a concert or a show, shop, sight-see, go out for a meal or a couple of cocktails, and/or occasionally go to a museum or other attraction.
-I miss being able to jump on a train, plane, or bus, and travel across the country / UK to meet up with friends, or go to concerts miles from home. I used to do that a lot.

Fun Things/Entertainment

-I miss being able to go to concerts. More than anything. It's one of my favourite things to do in the world.
-I miss going to the cinema.
-I miss going to the theatre to see a musical.
-I miss being able to go shopping (for more than ten minutes at a time).
-I miss being able to go to the hairdresser's to get my hair cut.

Old Times

-I miss the days I studied animal care at college.
-I miss working with animals.
-I miss the nineties. Everything was awesome.
-I miss recording songs from the Top 40 on to cassettes in the nineties. Who's with me?
-I miss the days when I was young and care free, and my biggest worry was which Crayola crayon to use.
-I miss how fun it was to be an eleven / twelve year old girl in the nineties obsessed with a boyband, boys, and make up.

Little Things I Used to Take For Granted

-I miss having a life.
-I miss being active and mobile.
-I miss the days when I wasn't bed-bound all the time.
-I miss being pain-free.
-I miss the days when I didn't have to take painkillers around the clock, that don't even work.
-I miss being able to walk ordinary distances, or even just a couple of steps without being overcome with unbearable pain which makes me want to pass out.
-I miss being able to do ordinary things like leave the house alone, cook/bake, sit in a chair comfortably, take a bath (I can only shower), use public transport, carry my own bags...
-I miss being able to write without shaking hands.
-I miss being able to sleep at night.
-I miss being able to wake up early in the morning to make the most of the day. I was always an early-riser before the injuries.
-I miss working full time.
-I miss being able to spend frivolously without thinking.
-I miss wearing shoes that aren't flip flops or thong-shaped sandals.

I miss all of these things, but I'm also thankful that they are all a part of my past, some still a part of my present, and most will be a part of my life again in the future. It's just a matter of time, recovery, and persistence. 

You know what I don't miss? The old me.

What do you miss?


  1. I hope things improve for you soon. I sympathise back pain is so horrible I had some problems with it especially in my teens, but not to the extent you have.

    I also remember recording the top 40, trying to get the pause button down in time before the DJ started talking :). I think the main things I miss are 3 of my grandparents who have passed on and not having to worry about getting a job and money.

    1. Thanks, Jenny. I agree, back pain is horrible, and it's hard for people to understand how much it hurts and sets you back until you've been through it. I'm glad you're better now.

      I did exactly the same! There was always that rush to press stop before the DJ talked and ruined the tape. Haha! Those were the days... Sorry for your loses :(. I miss not having to worry about working and having money, too x

  2. I'm deffo with you, recording cassettes in the 90's was the best, i was waiting every sunday for it :)
    All the best for you & hope you will recover soon! xx Tani

    1. It was one of the best parts of the nineties, for sure. I did it every Sunday, too. Thank you so much, Tani. That's so kind xx


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