Sunday, 5 May 2013

Sunday Favourites #28

Morning all!

It's time for another Serendipity Sunday. Most of you know how this works by now; I find images that interest and inspire me during the week via Tumblr and Pinterest, and I compile my favourites together each Sunday to share with you lovely lot. Enjoy.

Pretty pastel lip balms.

These floral nails inspired me to attempt a similar look on my own nails... I need more practise!

Vintage inspired.

LOVE this lady's colourful outfit and style.

I LOVE this outfit, too. What a great dress!

Could Kaelah of Little Chief Honeybee's style be any more perfect? I adore the ombre blue striped dress she's wearing so much. Her blog is fabulous, too, by the way.

This is stunning.

This outfit is lovely. I recently discovered this lady's Tumblr blog, French Toast is Vegan, and her vintage style is just amazing.

Is it a veil? Is it an umbrella? Is it an umbrella veil, or a veiled umbrella? Who knows! Who cares? This is a pretty cool statement for a wedding, or just a usual Tuesday.

This tiered skirt is so pretty.

Love this. I'd want two at the head of the bed as well to create a four-poster bed with a modern twist.

I'd love to fill the garden with jam jar candles like this.

This braided bun tutorial looks amazing.

I really love Bella Thorne's braided up-do, as well. I'm a big fan of braids; I just suck at doing anything interesting with my hair.

This flamingo pattern is gorgeous. Can you imagine a dress or skirt in this print? Oh, I'd never take them off!

These striped nails are lovely.

This purple eye make up look is gorgeous... The red eyebrow is cool, but I don't think it's for me.

This make up look is by the same lady as the last, and it's amazing! The eye make up is so striking. I wish I still owned my fuchsia eyeshadow so I could try to replicate it; I used to do my eyes similarly with these colours a couple of years ago but it's been a while. The eyebrows are pretty funky, but I wouldn't have the confidence to pull them off.

So much colour!

This looks heavenly. One way ticket to Bora Bora, please!

Hands up; who used to cry at this scene when you were little? I always did!

I try to make the best out of bad situations; being miserable and negative never does me any good.

This little piglet called Chris P. Bacon (cruel!), was born without hind legs, so his owners built him a set of wheels out of children's toys! He looks like the happiest little pig in the world. (More cute pictures of him at the source).

This tattoo is brilliant.

One of my favourite pieces this week, is the story of a soldier and a squirrel he rescued. (See story above) It may in fact be one of the most adorable things ever, and it's good to know there are still some caring, selfless people in the world. I particularly love the photos of the squirrel sleeping on his back like a person- so cute! Follow the source for more.

This is so true.

And you need to watch this video of a red panda 'exercising' it's adorable!

I hope you've enjoyed these images. Which ones did you like best?



  1. I thought your take on the floral nails was really good. I LOVE that bedroom and the tiered skirt, and I'm going to have to try this braided bun tutorial because... just wow! xxx

    1. Thanks! They weren't great but not bad for a first attempt. I think the braided bun would look amazing on you! xx

  2. I love these posts so much. My eyes just drink all these fab images up. The pig and squirrel are my favourite pics. x x

    1. Aw thanks, Leah! The animals are my favourites this week, too xx

  3. Too much cuteness! Everything's amazing xx


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