Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Did you hear the one about the skunk, the tortoise, and the hummingbird?

Hey guys,

I hope your weeks are all off to a great start. Were many of you able to enjoy the gorgeous weather we had yesterday for the bank holiday? My sister took me out for a drive and a wander in the sunshine, and the weather was heavenly. It's so nice to finally put winter behind us!

Going back a few days... on Saturday, the sun was also shining, so I was determined to make it in to the garden to enjoy the warmth on my skin for a few minutes. It was blissfully warm, but I didn't anticipate just how blustery it was outside, and my efforts to look groomed for photographs pretty much went out the window. I'm not sure why I even bothered straightening my hair before hand; in the ten minutes I was outside I ended up looking like the cowardly lion!

Luckily, I managed to snap a few photos in between gusts which I don't mind sharing.

When I wandered in to the garden, I slipped on a pair of old backless trainers which had always been 'garden shoes' I wore when seeing to my rabbits. I just did it out of habit. Not only did I forgot to slip them off for the first batch of photos, but I forgot about my sore mangled toes  and how I can't wear shoes... I returned to the house with blood all over one foot. Oops.

I eventually remembered to kick the ugly shoes off... that's better! 

I decided to do a bit more pattern clashing and wore my new red polka dot peter pan collared top from Red Herring with my favourite Dorothy Perkins hummingbird print skirt. I've been told by my Mother that this skirt is too old for me, but whether it is or it isn't, I love it. It's the perfect fit and shape on me, so floaty and feminine, and it's a comfortable length.

 I felt comfortable enough to go bare legged to a few hospital appointments in it last Summer, and I plan to work on my bare-legged complex in it this Summer, too. I need to build up leg confidence. Going bare legged makes me self-conscious, and I always worry strangers will stare at them in disgust- not that I should worry about what they think... do you ever notice the size of people's bare legs when you're out and about?? Has anyone reading encountered abuse from strangers for 'daring' to bare their legs? I have no issues with their paleness; my whole body is this pale apart from my arms and face, it's just their appearance in general I've no confidence with... but I'm sure I'll get there, eventually. I've already come along leaps and bounds with my body confidence.

Anyway, I covered up with my Lovedrobe shrug, and accessorised with quirky, mis-matched accessories. I wore an ASOS Curve tortoise belt I bought a few months ago and have barely worn, my skunk cameo necklace from Life's Big Canvas, and my favourite rose bracelet from Cath Kidston.

These pretty bright pink flowers were blooming in the garden. I think they're rhododendrons, but I'm no gardening expert. I had to take a few photos of them. 

A few flowers had scattered on the lawn in the wind, so I picked a few up.

You can see all the random, mis-matched details of the outfit. Call me mad, but I like how it all looked together.

The skirt is covered with little hummingbirds.

The top has ditsy white polka dots across it. And the necklace has a cute skunk on a pink cameo.

The necklace is a recent purchase from Life's Big Canvas, and I adore it. They sell the most adorable, accessories, and they give great service, too. Go check them out! I like my necklaces long, for comfort, so I extended this one with some narrow ribbon.

The tortoise belt was from ASOS Curve, and I picked it up on sale a few months ago for about four or five pounds instead of fifteen. The belt itself is stretchy, and the tortoises hook together. I think it's beautiful. The belt was in both the Curve and straight size ranges, but is sadly no longer available. There is one on eBay right now, though, here!

I also had to add in these photos of flowers from the garden. All that colour just had to be captured.

Outfit Details

Skirt-Dorothy Perkins // Top-Red Herring (Debenhams) // Shrug-Lovedrobe // Belt-ASOS Curve //
Necklace-Life's Big Canvas // Bracelet-Cath Kidston

I'll be back a little later today with post seven of the Blog Every Day in May challenge. See you then!



  1. Such pretty photos, I love all of the close up details of your outfit.

  2. Love this outfit!

    I don't bare my legs, because I hate them so I can understand your issue, but I can't imagine anyone giving you abuse for doing so. Punch 'em in the face if they do! x

    1. Thanks, Linz. I've had people shout abuse at me for baring my legs in the past, which stopped me baring them xx

  3. You should join you usin our flash and flesh challenge!x

    1. I noticed your new challenge yesterday; I may get on board in the future xx

  4. I live the different prints, you've styled this out lovely. You look so pretty! I understand your bare leg phobia I'm weird about it too! I hate my legs xx

    1. Thanks Gemma :). I'm glad I'm not the only one who's weird about her legs, but I must say you have lovely legs xx

  5. I don't think the skirt is too 'old' for you... I'm about the same age and I'd wear it too!

    1. I'm glad you agree with me! I personally love it :)

  6. This outfit looks amazing I love it! Xx


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