Monday, 6 May 2013

Day Six: What Do You Do?

Today is day six of the Blog Every Day in May challenge, and today's topic is: if you couldn't answer with your job, how would you answer the question 'what do you do?'

For a woman who has spent the majority of the last twenty months confined to bed and house bound due to injury, I've come to realise that I actually do a lot of different things.

-Well, firstly, I'm a blogger.  I blog about my style, plus size fashion, beauty, body positivity, living with disc injuries life, and anything else which inspires me. I work on blog posts every day, and have blogging on the brain; it's never far from my thoughts, and it's a hobby which I love and have dedicated myself to. I've put in so much time and effort, and have become very passionate about the subjects I blog about. It's become an outlet and a distraction, and I've learnt so much through blogging since I began.

-I'm also a pet owner. I may only have tropical fish and a shrimp to look after now my last four legged baby has passed away, (and my Mother may currently be looking after the fish), but I'm still a pet owner.

-I keep myself occupied with my laptop. I use it for so many different things, and have taught myself how to do so much with it over the last few years. I've become quite the computer whizz.

-I tolerate pain. I've been in pain every moment of every day since September 2011, and every day I have to find the strength to tolerate it as best I can. I never get used to the pain; you don't become acclimatized to it, but somehow I make it through each day to the next.

-I make the best out of bad situations, or at the very least, I try to. I look for the good instead of the bad when life doesn't go to plan. I laugh when I get soaked through in the rain. I reassure people when the car breaks down. I shrug my shoulders and distract myself when I'm unable to get out of bed.

I also do a lot of other things, like these...

I read. I love to read novels, short stories, magazines, and blog posts. 
I listen to music. 
I watch movies.
I fan girl over favourite musicians.
I rock a lot of polka dots.
I collect colourful dresses in quirky prints.
I wear colourful eye make up.
I shop a lot.
I'm a painter of nails (just mine).
I pin images on Pinterest. A lot.
I take photos of things which I want to remember.
I create images.
I write, I document, I sketch, I paint, I create, I learn.
I write lists.
I plan things I want to accomplish, see and do in the future.
I day dream a lot.
I worry, I stress, I think.

And I do so many other little things that make me who I am, too.

What do you do besides the job you get paid for? What makes you who you are?



  1. Replies
    1. And your cheque is in the mail... Thanks lovely; you're making me blush xx


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