Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Day Nineteen: Five of My Favourite Blogs

Hey guys,

May I start by apologising for how erratic my posts have been in recent days. I've had a particularly persistent headache over the last few days, and although it's finally beginning to ease now, I had to put the brightly lit laptop screen aside for a while, and recover with some peace and quiet in the darkness. This has meant I've not been able to blog, but I'm going to attempt to start catching up now...

So, the topic for day nineteen of the blog challenge was: 'five of your favourite blogs and what you love about them.'

I knew immediately that this was going to be a difficult post for me to write. I follow close to three hundred blogs at present. Style blogs; fashion and fatshion blogs; beauty blogs; body positivity blogs; life style blogs; and a handful on other subjects. That's three hundred blogs written by unique and interesting women from all over the world. I have more than five favourites which I read on a regular basis; so chosing just five is not going to be easy. I'm not sure if I can even narrow them down. Let's find out...


I first discovered Pashteit through Livejournal about a year and a half ago, and instantly fell in love with Nita's romantic lady-like style. Her outfits are always so beautiful; and often inspired by traditional Eastern European fashion, which is not something often seen in the blogging world. She has the prettiest shoe collection I've ever seen, a designer handbag collection to die for; and always wears the loveliest skirts. Her style is perfect, in my opinion, and her photography is beautiful.

I consider Nita a blog friend, and through emailing each other back and forth, we've learnt that we share many of the same values and interests, and that we've been through similar experiences in the past. She was also my very first follower! Check out her blog here.

A Dress is For Life

A Dress is For Life is another of my all time favourite style blogs, because Rachel, the lady behind the blog, has impeccable style not unlike my own. She wears dresses almost exclusively, like I do, and her frock collection is even larger than mine. I didn't even realise that was possible! It's lovely to find a blog written by somebody who shares my passion for dresses, polka dots, bird prints, animal motifs, and quirky jewellery. Even though we own similar clothes and often dress alike, I still draw so much inspiration from Rachel's style and confidence, and particularly enjoy lusting after her amazing Irregular Choice shoe collection. Rachel is also lovely, and has been supporting my blog since the beginning, and that means a lot to me. 

Vintage at Heart

Vintage at Heart is a vintage-inspired style blog from an Australian blogger known as Harlow Darling. I've been following her blog for several months now, and look forward to seeing her posts pop up on my reading list. Harlow (I don't actually know if this is her real name, or a pen name), wears the loveliest fifties and sixties style dresses I've ever seen and wish I owned; and usually has a parasol to shade herself from the sun, which I just adore. The photography on her blog is also so wonderfully magical; and they really help bring the settings for her outfits to life.

Scathingly Brilliant

Another of my favourite style blogs is Scathingly Brilliant. It's ran by Kate Gabrielle who has one of the best wardrobes I've ever seen. Ever. I'm regularly in awe at her stunning outfits, and I adore her colourful vintage style. She wears a lot of sweet pastel colours, and fabulous dresses, and is always perfectly accessorised. I draw so much inspiration from her blog, and if you love colourful outfits and pretty dresses like I do, this is the blog for you. Take my word for it!

I Like Pretty Clothes

I Like Pretty Clothes is one of the very first plus size blogs I discovered just after I injured my back, which led me to discover a world of plus size blogs, and fat acceptance / body positivity which I previously hadn't known existed. It's from finding Cara's blog that really started me on my journey to self-acceptance, and helped to raise my confidence! I was enthralled by her confidence, and her amazing collection of (yep, you've guessed it) dresses, and I still am today. She's always very glamorously dressed, and can often be seen rocking a gorgeous swing or circle dress, with a petticoat or two underneath!

Daisies and Dr Martens

I've been following Daisies and Dr Martens for well over a year now. In fact, Hannah and I have been blog friends since our blogs were just starting out, and she's always been incredibly supportive of my blog (thanks, Hannah!), which means a lot to me. 

Our personal styles may be very different, but I'm constantly inspired by Hannah's edgy but feminine outfits. I adore the way she can make an all black or neutral outfit interesting with different textures and different fabrics, and she's has accessorising down to an art. Hannah also blogs about music, which I love as we have similar tastes, and she shares her wonderful illustrations, too. She's incredibly talented, and even surprised me with a portrait of myself, which you can see somewhere to the side of this post.

I know this challenge was to write about five favourites, and I've already written six, but I'm finding it extremely difficult to choose favourites. I feel like I'm picking people for sports, and that I'm going to leave someone out, and upset them. I can't end this post without at least linking you to the rest of my favourites! Check them out.

Wait Until the Sunset- A fab plus size fashion blog by a lady with a infectious smile!

Miss Indie- A plus size vintage inspired fashion and craft blog. She wears the most gorgeous dresses!

Esme and the Laneway- A beautiful vintage inspired style, beauty, and life style blog. She wears stunning outfits.

Little Chief Honeybee- A lovely style and life style blog.

Goodnight Little Spoon- A beautiful blog which often focuses on arts and crafts, style, and life style.

The Near Sighted Owl- An amazing fat acceptance / body positivity / fat activism blog, which also features on plus size fashion, thrifting, and life style.

The Militant Baker- A seriously amazing blog that regularly focuses on body positivity and acceptance at every size.

DIY Fatshion- One of my favourite plus size fashion blogs.

Linzerello Does Fatshion- A fantastic plus size fashion blog.

The Agoraphobic Fashionista- A wonderful blog dedicated to mental health, style, and beauty.

Forever Fabulous in Bows- A fab plus size fashion and beauty blog.

Hidden Gem- A lovely plus size fashion blog.

Does My Blog Make Me Look Fat?- A great plus size fashion and life style blog.

I think I'd better stop here, or I'll be listing all night! There are so many more that I love to read.



  1. Thank you so much for including me ! It's great to be included along with so many lovely ladies :) xx

    1. You're very welcome! I couldn't write my favourites without including you. You're blog really is one of my favourites, and I love your style xx

  2. I'm going to check these out, they look great. I love finding new blogs to read.

    1. That's great, you should! The blogs are all fabulous, so I'm sure you'll enjoy many of them!

  3. Thanks so much for featuring me Louise, it means an awful lot and I really appreciate the lovely things you said! There's some great blogs here, I'll have to check them all out xxx

    1. You're very welcome, Hannah! You know I love your blog. I hope you enjoy some of the others I love to read xx

  4. Thank you so much for including me here xx


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