Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Wednesday Wish List

I love summer fashion. No, scratch that; I adore it. Every brand and every store is filled with gloriously colourful garments and accessories in all the brightest, boldest colours of the rainbow, and everywhere you turn, there are fun and fabulous prints just begging to be worn. Fabrics are light and billowing, and everything is so easy to wear. The only problem is deciding which pieces to buy first!

So, naturally, for a colour junkie and print enthusiast like myself, summer time is probably my favourite season for fashion. All that colour makes me so happy! At the moment I'm finding that I'm spoilt for choice, and my wish list is getting longer every week. 

This week's wish list, as usual, is inspired by texture, patterns, and colour; some of the qualities I'm drawn to most when it comes to fashion. 

I'm still crushing hard for Lauren's eye-catching ice cream print dress from Simply Be (11), I'm so desperate to add it to my dress collection, so although it was on my last wish list, I had to include it again. I've fallen in love with two stunning lace ASOS Curve dresses (5 and 6) with floaty cape like sleeves, after seeing Nita looking so beautiful in hers last week; though I can't decide if I like the purple or grey best. I also love the heart print pinafore dress from Dorothy Perkins (3), which looks like a cute little sun dress, and the strawberry print Modcloth skirt (8) is so beautiful. Everything is so tempting right now!

I'm not able to make any purchases at the moment, but with my birthday coming up in a couple of weeks, hopefully I'll be able to buy a couple of pieces then.

What's on your wish list this week? Have any of you purchased Lauren's ice cream print dress yet?



  1. I got Lauren's and em's dresses they are amazing :) you should deff get Lauren's you would look so cute! Xx

    1. I can't wait to see your modelling them! I hope I manage to get Lauren's dress because I'm dying to! If only money grew on trees!! xx

  2. The ice cream dress print is growing on me every time I see it. I love the shape. All these are lovely I especially like the strawberry print skirt.

    1. It's such a beautiful dress. The shape is fantastic, and the print looks so summery. The strawberry print skirt is one of my fave pieces this week xx

  3. Aw thanks so much, Vicky. I think everything is just so lovely right now! xx

  4. Number 8 is beautiful, wow! Saying that though, I do love them all.

    Charlotte - xx

  5. Ooh those lace kimono dresses! xxx

    1. Aren't they gorgeous? They have (had?) them in the main range as well. xx


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