Sunday, 9 June 2013

Sunday Favourites #33

Good morning all,

I hope you're all having a great weekend. What is everybody up to today?

What ever you have planned, I hope that this week's Serendipity Sunday helps get your day off to a great start! Enjoy!

Rainbow nails.

Fluorescent pink ombre hair! Wow!

Gorgeous colourful eye make up.

This lady's make up is amazing... even though it's most likely heavily airbrushed.

Yet another Alice in Wonderland tattoo that I'd love to have.

I also LOVE the tattoo of Mary Poppins' umbrella. It's so cute!

This sleeve is so pretty.

You need to check out Kate of Scathingly Brilliant's bedroom tour. She has the prettiest bedroom I've ever seen, and the most beautiful collection of dresses and trinkets. It's all perfect!

I love this vintage inspired pony-tail hair tutorial. For some reason this hair style makes me think of Sleeping Beauty.


This vintage outfit is so simple, but so stylish at the same time. <3


I adore this dress. Does Dita ever get it wrong? I don't think so!

I couldn't love these two Modcloth outfits more. Those dresses are beauties.

I would love to raid Cara of I Like Pretty Clothes' wardrobe; her dress collection is amazing!

Clashing patterns at their best.


I agree.

Say thank you.

So true, Fall Out Boy, so true!

Artist Cheryl Sorg makes literacy thumbprint art work using the thumbprint of the customer, and their favourite books. The customer sends her a thumb print and up to fifty of their favourite books, and for $400 they get a personal piece of art showing their literacy thumbprint! Amazing.

This daisy bouquet is so lovely. I've never seen anything quite like it before.

Who wants to go to the Kwik-E-Mart for a Squishee? You can at Universal Studios in Orlando!

An underwater train route in Denmark!

This 'people with cat beards' craze is brilliant! And hilarious if you look at them for too long!

One of my biggest pet peeves!

Sounds about right.

This is so cute!


This baby hippo got swept away by a Tsunami, and became best friends with a 130 year old tortoise! Adorable.


Eventually all things fall in to place.



  1. Another lovely list Louise! I love those nails and how cute is the that ombre hair - my oh my. I love those two mod cloth dresses too. SO much fun :)

    1. Thanks, Trees. I'm glad you're enjoying them. I adore the ombre hair! xx

  2. ...............and my sunday is complete! thanks louise x

    1. You're very welcome, Maria! Glad to be part of your Sunday xx

  3. Have you seen the cat afros on the Colonel Meow Facebook page? They're hilarious! x x

    1. I can't say I follow that page, but it sounds funny! xx

  4. Love these posts especially the animal ones :) xx

    1. Thanks so much! I'm glad you enjoy them xx


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