Thursday, 13 June 2013

Pale Wildwood Flower

Morning guys,

I hope you're all having a great week. By the time you're reading this, I should be recovering from a minor op on one of my big toes, so I've scheduled this post just in case I don't feel up to blogging. It's nothing serious, but knowing how I felt afterwards last time, I thought it was sensible to schedule this post to take the pressure off me for a day or two.

So, today I've got an outfit post for you. This was an outfit I wore on Sunday just lounging around in bed. Yes, I live a very exciting life...

I'm so happy that it's summer and wearing colourful long flowing maxi dresses is acceptable again. I only own five or six maxis, but I genuinely enjoy wearing them. They're so effortless! They can make your outfit look so put together, even if in reality all you've done is pull the dress down over your head with little thought, and reached for the nearest accessories in complimenting colours. Nobody has to know it took you less than a minute to dress!

And of course, I personally think maxi dresses look pretty on everybody. 

This dress has been in my wardrobe for about two years, and I've only worn it a few times. I used to be adamant that this dress made me look pregnant, even after friends and family assured me it didn't, so it stayed in the wardrobe unworn. I've made myself move past those doubts, because I love the loud pattern, and amazing bright colours. You know how I love my colours! The only part of the dress I would change is the lining; who needs a thickly lined summer maxi dress? It becomes too stifling to wear on scorching summer days and that's when this colourful dress should be worn!

The dress is from Peacocks, and the cardigan was from New Look last summer, although this is the first time I've worn this particular one. It's a very pale pastel peach / salmon colour. I have these cardigans in about seven different colours, and they're great for throwing over dresses in the summer.

And the award for loudest pattern ever goes to...

I wore four accessories with this dress, nothing very exciting.

The bracelet was a gift from my best friend a few years ago. I think it came from Next. I also painted my nails with a lilac Barry M Gelly paint.

The radio necklace is by Accessorize, and it's one I've owned for a few years now. I thought it was cute, but I admit it's quite tacky.

And I also dug out my pink and purple gem brooch, which sadly is now missing one gem. It's too pretty to retire or throw away, and I don't think it's noticeable to anybody but myself (unless I mention it). I think I bought it in Camden Lock Market several years ago on a stall selling lots of vintage brooches.

I was also wearing a pair of daisy studs (which you can see in a shot above), that I recently bought from River Island.

Outfit Details

Dress-Peacocks // Cardigan-New Look // Necklace-Accessorize // Brooch- Camden Lock Market // Bracelet-Next // Earrings-River Island

I'm sorry there's nothing new about this outfit, but I like to show outfits I really wear, and I'm all about recycling my favourite clothes and accessories- especially when I can't afford to buy anything new, like at the moment! Real people wear items more than once, and that's okay!

Have you been wearing your maxi dresses now that summer is here? How do you style yours?



  1. That dress really suits you. I think you were born to wear maxi dresses, haha. It does NOT make you look pregnant!

    I'm 5ft tall so I haven't yet found a maxi dress that actually fits, but I live in hope.

    1. Thank you so much!

      Have you tried wearing a hi-lo hem dress? It could be a good solution for you xx

  2. You look stunning, Louise, I love this outfit on you! You don't look pregnant at all haha! I wouldn't have noticed the missing gem on the brooch either if you hadn't said, it still works :) I hope your toe's better soon! xxx

    1. Aw thank you so much, Hannah! You're so lovely. I think I can still get away with the brooch, too. My toe will be fine in a month or two xx

  3. it goes as one of my favourite looks on you, you look absolutely beautiful - the colours are perfect on you and your hair looks divine ps I love the radio necklace, too cute

    1. Really? Thank you very much, Maria! Your cheque is in the mail! Haha! I do love that radio necklace xx

  4. The radio necklace is amazing!! I love your use of colour - all your outfits are so sunny. x x

    1. Thanks so much, Leah. I just love to wear colour. I'd be bored if I stuck to black and white xx

  5. Love thus dress sooo much you look gorgeous! Hope your feeling ok xx

    1. Thank you very much hun. You're so kind. I'm doing okay thanks xx

  6. Thank you so much, Vicky :). xx


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