Sunday, 23 June 2013

Sunday Favourites #35

Morning guys,

I hope you're all having a beautiful weekend. Here's some of my favourite images and articles from the last week to get your Sunday started.


Beautiful tropical eyes.


This lovely colourful outfit was shown on the Modcloth Tumblr page.


This lady's vintage inspired outfit is perfect.


It sure does! ALL sizes.


Oh how I love this vibrant colour scheme.


So much colour...


I want to make some Tissue Pom Flowers!


Could Kate Nash's dress be any more perfect?


I love this hair tutorial.


This bathing parrot is as happy as a ... well, a bathing parrot in a bowl


... but this bird wasn't quite so happy with his bath. Not happy at all! This one does make me giggle.

The other photos in the '20 Owls That Can't Get Any Respect' post are brilliant, too.


Dubai may soon be building a hotel that features under-water rooms, as shown above. I want to stay there!

I saw this Dave Grohl quote on Facebook, and completely agreed with his opinions on so-called ''guilty pleasure'' bands. I don't think anything should be deemed a guilty pleasure. Everybody should be proud of what they love, and who they are.

Nutella Popsicles? Yes, please!

Ever wanted to send a friend or relative a birthday cake, but can't as they live so far away? Well, here's a tutorial for foam birthday cake postcards! 

So many layers of loveliness.

Wear whatever the hell you like, as long as you still feel fabulous in it!

So true.

And here are a few articles that you might enjoy...

// 10 Ways We Body Shame Each Other Without Knowing.

// UK retailer Debenhams have vowed to ban photoshopped lingerie model shots.

// I Have a Health Problem You Can't See, And I Feel Like I Have To Tackle It Alone is a post I really related to. Most people don't understand what they can't see.

// Perhaps the most bizarre and creepy thing I've seen this week: photos from the Creative Dog Grooming Competition. Why would anybody do this to their dogs? Why?

and finally,

// Have you read the eerie tale about a town which ceased to exist one August morning in 1952?



  1. I need to make Nutella lollies! The hotel under water freaks me out so much I'd be paraniod the whole time that water would come gushing in xx

    1. I want to make them, too! They sound amazing! I'm sure it'd be safe, but I can see what you mean. I think I'd feel quite claustrophobic in it without a window, but it looks amazing xx

  2. That cake postcard tut is amazing! I love Nutella, yum. I have to say as much as I'd love to visit an underwater hotel, I don't think I'd want to sleep in one. x x

    1. I know! I really want to make some. Nutella is one of the world's best inventions. Lol. I'm not sure if I'd be able to sleep in that hotel, either, but it looks amazing. xx


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