Wednesday, 20 February 2013

What I Wore | Behind the Sea

As we've been having such a gorgeous little wave of sunshine and something resembling warmth these last few days, I've been pushing myself to take advantage of the weather and venture outside for short, gentle walks.

On Tuesday this involved a stroll around Portchester Castle again; a place close by to where my sister lives. Each step was a struggle, and progress was quite slow, but the pain was worth it to be outside on a beautiful day in such gorgeous surroundings.

 For me, there's not much better in life than being by the sea. I love the smell of the sea weed and salt water (if I could bottle that smell I would), and I just feel so at peace near water. I don't know why that is.

My sister dragged me out of bed and forced me to dress at lightening speed without showering to go for this walk, so this was the result. An outfit I ended up loving, except for the fact my hair was tied back in a pony tail revealing the ears I prefer to conceal because my hair needed washing.

You may remember seeing this dress on this blog a few months ago, when I wore it with bright teal tights in my garden at home. Well, this week I was itching to wear this dress once more, and this time built the outfit up with purples and blues.

The dress came from Dorothy Perkins, and is a lovely, lined chiffon dress with capped sleeves, and a beautiful bird cage print on a rich raspberry fabric. The colour is truly lovely. I wore it over dark purple tights (as I didn't have a black pair to hand), and a cropped navy cardigan to pull out the blue of the print. I wanted to wear a cropped cardigan as it was fairly warm outside in the sunshine, with only a little chill in the air. It must have only been about ten degrees, so I must have been mad, but I wasn't very cold! I wore it with my blue quilted ballet pumps, as they're one of the only pairs of shoes I can wear with my swollen toes right now, added a few beaded bracelets to my wrist, and borrowed my sister's purple quilted studded chain bag.

I felt quite good in this outfit, and I really wish I'd worn this dress more this A/W. Hopefully I'll get a little more wear from it before the colours of Spring return and make Winter colours look dark and out of place.

My Sister said I was vain for taking my glasses off for photos. I've never liked being snapped wearing my glasses, and I've had to wear them or lenses since I was a baby. Some things never change. This was my vain diva pose mid-blink. Attractive. LOL.

Here you can get a closer look at all the little details.

What I Wore

Dress- Dorothy Perkins // Cardigan- New Look // Tights- Evans // Ballet Pumps- New Look //
Bag- Accessorize // Black Beaded Bracelets- Dorothy Perkins // Pearl Bracelet- Matalan //
Glasses (in hand)- Roxy // Ladybird Earrings (not pictured)- Accessorize //

I really enjoyed being outside in the sunshine, but the walk took it out of me, so it was back to bed, with Grazia Magazine, Dirty Dancing, and some morphine for me afterwards.

Hopefully I'll attempt a couple more outings over the next few days for more outfit posts!

Thanks for reading,


  1. Pretty outfit, I love the colours! I agree, there's nothing better than being near the sea :) xxx

    1. Thanks lovely :). The simple things in life, eh? Shame I live a hundred miles away from the coast! xx

  2. You look lovely :) I'm glad your getting out and about xx

    1. Thanks hun :). My Sister is determined to make me take a short trip out every day whether I'm in agony or not! xx

  3. Oh I love the birdcage print on the dress, it's so cute!

  4. Love this dress! Glad you're able to enjoy some of the sunshine (where has it gone??!)


    1. Thanks Linz! It was gorgeous for a couple of days. Not impressed that it's freezing and dismal again. Roll on Spring! xx


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