Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Wednesday Wish List

I've been trying to prevent myself from window shopping online as I simply can't afford to treat myself to anything at the minute... but of course, I've failed at that one hundred percent. I give myself a big fat F! I've added quite a few new pieces to my wish list, although I'm pretty sure most of them will be left in that wish list for quite some time.

Oh, well, it doesn't hurt to dream, does it?

Isn't the colour of this maxi skirt stunning? It's named as burgundy, but from the image it appears to be more of a rich raspberry. Either way, it's beautiful and I wish it would magically appear in my wardrobe.

Zatchels have released a range of heart print bags and satchels in honour of Valentine's Day, and this little barrel bag has won my heart. Isn't it the most perfect day bag ever made? This bag would fit in perfectly with my wardrobe and it's very 'me', as I'm sure you'll agree.

I'm still aiming to add to my collection of head bands and hair scarves, and I can't resist this retro inspired one. I love the classic red design and ditsy print.

Hearts are everywhere right now thanks to St. Valentine, and I've got my eye on this cute little jumper. I'm happy that softer colours are beginning to filter back in to shops in preparation for spring.

This Nail Art book has been on my wish list since the new year. It's packed full of nail art tutorials and I desperately want to buy one so I can practise lots of new designs on my nails.

Forever 21 have some great coloured opaque tights in their plus size section at the moment. I've never tried their tights on for size before, but my heart leaped when I saw the beautiful bold colours available. I'm particularly loving the Coral and Royal.

I stumbled across this polish the other day and thought the shade was so pretty- perfect for spring, I'd say!

There's many a bargain to be had on ASOS right now, and I've been admiring all the festive Stila sets. This one is a bargain, it's pretty, and the colours of the eyeshadows are lovely, too.

Now apart from Converse and the like, I've not owned or worn a pair of trainers since I was fifteen. It just isn't my style. That's not to say I haven't been curiously inspecting the pretty old school pairs which have been popping up all over the place. I really love the liberty print on this Gola pair, and how the laces are actually ribbons! I think I could rock these. 

In my opinion, a girl can never have too many polka dot dresses! I like the simplicity of this hi-lo hem number, although it's a tad on the expensive side.

Which one is your favourite?

What's at the top of your wish list?

Thanks for reading,


  1. I like the dipped hem dress myself and I think those trainers would be perfect for you! Xx

    1. It's lovely! I'm trying to convince my sister to get it for herself. I've actually spotted some floral Converse I love even more xx

  2. Ohhhh my GOD Louise this wishlist is perfect! I am DYING for that bag :( I love the skirt and the hair wrap too xxx

    1. Why thank you, Hannah! I'm dying for the bag, too, but I can't afford any shopping for quite some time. I hope they're around for a while and not just a limited edition thing. I really want the skirt in navy as well... and would probably wear the hair wrap with them xx

  3. I love it all !
    Especially the barrel bag !
    I too am trying not to browse online.
    My purse just can't take it.
    Its always the way though when you have no money you find the prettiest things !
    Launa xx

    1. That's my favourite one, too. I can't afford any shopping for a while either, so I'm not sure why I keep browsing online. It's torture! That's so true! xx

  4. I loooovvveee everything on here!! That heart bag is amazing!

    1. Thanks Olivia! The bag is just about the best thing ever! xx


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