Thursday, 14 February 2013

Just a Touch of Love

Happy Valentine's Day... or Happy Over-Commercialised Love Day, if you prefer... which I do.

Sorry, Valentine's Day devotees- I've just never been a fan of this highly commercialised holiday.

That's such a 'single-girl' thing to say, isn't it?

 It's not that I'm a forlorn single girl who sits at home listening to soppy love songs sobbing in to a pillow longing for Mr Right; nor am I the bitter single girl who curses men, swears off love forever, and spends Valentine's Day scowling at every loved up person that looks her way. I'm not either. If I had to say, I guess I'm the single girl in the middle of melancholy and hatred who's comfortable with her own company, and doesn't reject the idea of love.

I just don't think it should take a recognised holiday to show the person you love how you feel about them. It should be something that is shown every day, minus the tacky trinkets and paraphernalia, in what ever way is  right for each couple. It shouldn't be forced for the sake of showing society you're spoken for. But, hey, that's just me... Of course, if Valentine's Day is right for you, then that's absolutely fine, too!

Anyway, in honour of Valentine's Day, I've put together some of the best heart and love themed clothes and accessories I've discovered lately. 44 beautiful love-shaped pieces, to be precise. It doesn't matter if you're single or loved up, why wait for somebody else to treat you to something inspired by St. Valentine today? Use today as an excuse to show yourself you care by buying yourself some love!

First up, how about something darker than your average Valentine's treat?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 910. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.

Valentine's presents are traditionally deep red or pink, sexy or delicately pretty, so I wanted to compile a selection of more unconventional designs. I sought out blacks, greys, navys, and skulls with hearts for eyes. I particularly love the heart shaped bags, the snood, dress, and knitwear. I also have to note how fabulous the Iron Fist heels are, with ditsy heart prints in their designs. Amazing.

Or, perhaps you prefer more traditional Valentine's colours?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

Valentine's Day wouldn't be Valentine's Day without lashings of red, pink, and gold, so I decided to include this little lot, too. I'm totally head over heels with the three Zatchels satchels which all come in red, pink, or white. My favourite is the red heart print barrel bag (no 8), which is affordable at just £45, and just my style. Again, I also really love all the knitwear, and I can recommend the heart-shaped earring holder which I have on my dressing table.

What do you make of Valentine's Day? Do you love it, or do you hate it?

How are you spending this Valentine's Day? Have you been spoiled rotten, or are you planning to treat yourself to something above?

Which is your favourite?

Thanks for reading,


  1. I hate valentines day! I always have done me and the mr don't celebrate and never have we don't even say 'happy valentines' i love my mr no matter what day it is I don't need a set day to prove it xx

    1. I think we're both very similar people! I think you're attitude is lovely; love doesn't need to be celebrated one day a year, but acknowledged all the time! xx

  2. valentine aside...super cute items you found ^^<3


    1. Thank you. They're are some lovely things out there :)

  3. I share your sentiment about Valentines day, glad I'm not the only one! I love the darker items you posted, and have been in LOVE with those heart Zatchels ever since you posted about them - they are consuming my thoughts! Lovely picks as always, though I have to say my friend got me the red version of the gold glitter heart bag for Christmas and it's sooo tiny I can't even get my phone in it! It sucks because it's so pretty :( xxx

    1. Hurray! I knew I wasn't the only one! The darker items are probably my faves. How amazing are those Zatchels?? I'm dying to own the red barrel bag! Buy one!! Aw that's a shame about the heart bag. They're so beautiful! I guess that bag's just for some cash and your lippy! xx


I love reading all your lovely comments, so don't be afraid to leave me a comment or a question below! I'll do my best to reply ASAP!

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