Sunday, 3 February 2013

Sunday Favourites #15

I had a break from my Sunday inspiration posts last Sunday because I'd been without Internet for most of the week, but never fear, the feature is back this week with lots of inspiring pictures for you to sink your teeth in to. Enjoy...

When did Dakota Fanning turn in to a woman? Wasn't she still ten just two minutes ago?? I have to say she looks stunning all grown up, and the polka dot dress she is wearing in this Glamour shoot is so pretty.

This little outfit caught my eye. The lady is wearing the most stunning navy blue coat with a faux fur collar over a printed dress (I assume), and purple tights. She looks amazing!

I really love this lady's style. She wears the most beautiful dresses, and then accessories them so well with cute jewellery and awesome tattoos. This dress is gorgeous.

Well, you didn't think I'd forget to add an image of a tulle skirt, now, did you? This is beautiful.

There's so much colour in Ali Buttons' outfit and that makes me very happy. I love seeing people rocking colourful outfits. Everybody should give it a try, at least every once in a while!

And that's the truth!

This hummingbird tattoo is so simple, but it's also so lovely.

Isn't this tattoo beautiful? The detail is astounding.

Love this!

It's your choice.

This made me laugh! I'm not even exactly sure why!

This must be the best bed design in existence. Must be.

Two adorable little bear cubs... one brown, one albino. Can I adopt them??

Which image is your favourite?

What kind of inspirational images do you like to see the most?


  1. i always adore seeing women dressed up, it inspires me so much - as well as the motivational quotes, i can normally remember a soundbite a use it in my work, and of course viva la tulle x

    1. I just love seeing beautiful outfits and being inspired to try certain looks myself that I may have not thought of previously. I find quotes help me, too. I need some tulle in my life! xx


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