Sunday, 17 February 2013

Sunday Favourites #17

Happy Sunday lovelies,

I hope you're all having a really wonderful weekend. What are you all up to?

Today, I have some amazing images for your viewing pleasure, and quite a few of them which happen to be aimed at body positivity, which wasn't planned but a fortune accident! That's what I love about image sharing websites like Tumblr and Pinterest- you never really know what you might find each week. Enjoy...

These Valentine's Day worthy nails are pretty damn fantastic, I have to say. They don't appear to require too much skill, so maybe I'll try my hand at these one day...

Pretty pastel coloured heart print cardigans with the sweetest little heart shaped buttons. Oh where can I get myself these cardigans, or twelve?

This is a beautiful frock, perfect for a Summer wedding. I want her rockabilly curls.

Isn't this heart print dress lovely? It's so sweet, and a little bit cheeky. Heart print is that one print I don't think I have in my wardrobe... my mission will have to be to change that! Oh, and I love the cat ears, as well.

Cara of ilikeprettyclothes is one of my favourite plus size bloggers, and her outfits are always beautifully put together. I think this particular number is perfect. Cobalt blue is one of my favourite colours, but I don't think I've ever teamed it with leopard print, but it really works, doesn't it? I love how you can see the blue petticoat just peeking out from under the skirt, too. This is an outfit I'd love to put my own spin on this year.

I adore this woman's vibrant purple hair, and the stunning dark turquoise of the dress, and I equally love the two colours paired together. I think this is a colour combination I will have to try at the first opportunity.

I love the use of pastel colours in these ladies' outfits. Amazing! This makes me excited for Spring.

This is a powerful image with a brilliant message. We really are much more than the size of our bodies, even if society would lead us to believe otherwise.

Feminine women are feminists, too.

This misconception drives me insane, so I love this sign! Shape, size, and/or weight does not determine a person's health, and I wish people would stop pretending they're 'concerned' when they're only judging a person for their appearance. People need to learn to mind their own business and channel their energy in to worrying about themselves instead.

I completely agree.

Baby otter! So cute!

Awesome sign! Although I must add I don't judge anybody for dieting. Each to their own.

Well, that's how I see it, anyway!

I saw this on Simply Be's Pinterest account and thought it was so cute. 'Before you can love anyone else, learn to love yourself.' A wise quote. Loving your family and friends is important, but so is putting yourself first once in a while and learning to love who you are for exactly who you are!

As a book lover, I used to be dead set against Kindles, wondering why people couldn't just pick up a paperback. Then my sister bought one, and I realised how good they actually are. Light weight, convenient, brilliant for saving space/weight when travelling, less risk of bringing a concussion from dropping it on your face when you fall asleep (unlike a 1000 page hardback)... Now I have one and I'm completely converted. I think it shouldn't matter what people read from, as long as they're reading and enjoying it!

True love never dies. I read this with tears in my eyes.

The odd couple. This baby White Faced Scops Owl called Cherub, has found a guardian in Kiera the German Pointer! How cute is that? 

And I'll leave you with this utterly adorable photo of these two lovely sloths. The baby one has a particularly brilliant hair style going on, I must say!

Which image is your favourite?

Thanks for reading,


  1. Aww the sloths are too cute! I say it everytime but I love these posts xx

    1. Aren't they the cutest critters ever?! Aw thanks hun xx

  2. love these sunday posts!and the eternal love achingly beautiful x

    1. Thanks Maria! Glad you enjoy them. The eternal love story was heart breaking but so lovely at the same time xx


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