Sunday, 6 January 2013

A Little Bit of January Inspiration

On Sundays I like to put together posts of images and quotes which have inspired me over the last seven days. This week is no different. Well, just see for yourselves...

I was drawn in by the lovely bold colour combination; the polka dots; the bow; and the brooches. It all looks so perfect. Then I clicked through to get the link to credit this image, and discovered a jewellery company- Made By White- which I hadn't heard of before. And oh how I'm kicking myself for not finding them sooner!

  Their accessories are exactly my style; mostly quirky little critters made from wood or perspex and painted by hand. I'm in love with the tapir in a top-hat brooch (Rachel, I thought of you, too!), and when I can afford to I will be adopting him, along with a few others, I'm sure. Perhaps the lemur riding a macaw brooch, fairy penguin king brooch, save the bilby brooch, wombat hug brooch, and the green caped capybara brooch ... don't even get me started on the amazing necklaces and earrings! I want them all!

Fabulous ombre red hair and great curls. Her make up is pretty damn good, too.

Oh how I love the shape and style of this gorgeous lemon yellow dress...

There's something about this outfit that is very Steel Magnolias, wouldn't you agree?

I'm totally in love with her dress, and her great use of lilac and mint pieces.

This is giving me ideas... pass me the nail art pens!

Isn't this tattoo so beautiful and intricate?!

I love this elaborate yet simple tattoo. It reminds me of the work my tattooist has done on me. I would keep it black and want to colour myself in with felt tip pens. Don't tell me you weren't thinking that, too!

This sleeve is amazing!

If you skipped past that, go back and give it a read. It makes some valid suggestions on how to start accepting your body. I could've done with this list decades ago.

... but bear in mind it's not easy to just wake up one morning and love what you see in the mirror. It's not easy, and it will take time. Perhaps a little while, perhaps a life time. Everyone is different. 

I saw this image depicting a 52 week money challenge just yesterday and thought it was a genius idea. The idea is to save the same amount of your currency as the week number (save 1 dollar/pound/whatever on week one, and 52 on week fifty-two). By New Year's you'll have saved 1378.00 dollars or pounds, which is an incredible amount, and  I'm sure a good way to beat the January blues! I will attempt this one year.

Wallpaper you colour in? Yes, please!

Bugger me; are Moose really this big? The top one must be exaggerated a bit, surely?


So pretty. I love blossom.

Fire from a burning building being sucked in to a tornado... That's some scary shit! Quite frightening, when you think about it... but also fascinating in a way.

And I shall leave you with this image. It made me smile, and I hope it will do the same for you!


  1. Oh my days! That tapir us awesome what a great find! As always I love these posts xx

    1. I thought you might like him! I will definitely be buying some of those brooches if I ever make it out of the overdraft. Thanks hun xx

  2. Another great list - I never manage to find such cool stuff on the interwebs! I love that idea of saving, its very clever. I'm going to start doing that. Even $50 a week isn't so much really. Also thanks for posting those 10 steps for positive body image - I need a bit of that right now xoxo

    1. I find the bulk of these images on Tumblr and Pinterest, they're great sites for a little inspiration! I think the saving idea is brilliant. I hope it works for you! You're welcome! I found it really inspiring myself xx

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Those brooches are amazing, I am LOVING the lemur riding a macaw! c'moooon pay day.
    Also wallpaper you can colour in is a genius idea. This is a lovely post :) xx

    PS. her hair is incredible!


    1. I completely agree! They're all amazing. I can't wait to get my hands on a few of them. If I had wallpaper I could colour in I'd been doodling with it all day! Thank you xx

    thanks for the money saving tip- totally gonna try that! will see if i can convince my bf to do it too.....
    (follow back?)

    1. So do I! It looks like so much fun. I think the money saving plan is a genius idea, and I'm glad it's inspired you, too. Good luck! x

  6. love your sunday posts! inspiring and colourful and yay to the best saving scheme i have ever seen, i am trying it this year (also told everyone about it!) and the cat too - sweet x

    1. Aw thanks, Maria. I've never seen a better saving plan. It's brilliant. Fingers crossed you can build up a small fortune this year xx

  7. you may get a double message! my laptop has just had a moment of confusion and meltdown! but yay to you and your sunday posts - i love 'em! x

    1. No worries. I've not had any duplicates from you. Aw thank you! xx

  8. What a super post- I love all the links!
    Number 8 on the positive body image list is incredibly important- more people need to do this. It should be taught in schools.
    Also I love that dress on image number 3- I wish I had the guts to wear little gloves like that.

    1. Thanks, Helen!
      I wish schools did teach kids more about body positivity; number 8 is a great one. I think life could have been a little different if teachers had taught about body positivity when I was at school.


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