Saturday, 24 December 2016

What's In My Christmas Eve Box? 2016

Merry Christmas Eve, everyone!

I hope you're having a magical Christmas Eve, however you're spending it.

I've just been having a quiet day at home with the dog this year, since Marie and Steve are visiting his family in Scotland, my parents have been out at the family gathering in Worcester (and I was in too much pain to go), and my younger sister, Sarah, didn't surface until half five. I'd normally be baking in the kitchen with Marie and tying up loose ends, so I wasn't quite sure what to do with myself this morning! I've watched some Christmas movies, eaten some tasty food, blown up some confetti balloons for my Mum, who turns sixty tomorrow, and have started to enjoy some of the contents of my Christmas Eve box. I can think of far worse ways to spend a Christmas Eve!

A few Christmases ago, I started the tradition of making myself a Christmas Eve Box full of goodies to enjoy on Christmas Eve night as I count down the last few hours until Christmas morning. I always enjoy them, so of course I just had to put one together to pamper myself with this Christmas, too. I had intended to blog about it sooner, but I ran out of time, 'cause  I'm just that useless.

For those of you who don't already know, a Christmas Eve box is basically a hamper of lovely things for the perfect festive night in. Think new pyjamas, Christmas movies, hot chocolate, popcorn, candles, face masks and so on. You can make them for anybody of any age by personalising the contents to suit the person who will receive them and by selecting age appropriate items, so you can make one for yourself, your kids, to enjoy with your partner, or for the whole family. I'm single and don't have kids, so I put one together for myself, and included some stuff to share with my family. 

So, what have I put in my Christmas box this year?

♥ A cosy new pair of pyjamas. This PJ set from Dorothy Perkins with burgundy heart print bottoms, and a peach tee with a cute bunny motif.
♥ Elegant Touch false nails, some Paperchase nail wraps, and a red glitter Ciaté nail polish. I obviously won't be using them all at once, but I like to have options.
♥ Christmas With The Coopers on DVD- a new to me Christmas film. I've watched a few others from my DVD collection, too.
♥ My beautiful copy of A Christmas Carol and Other Christmas Stories, to read before bed.
The Body Shop Frosted Cranberry bath and shower gel, in case I was up for a bath or shower, which sadly I wasn't.
♥ Three Yankee Candle votive candles in Christmas Eve, Candy Cane Lane, and Macaron.Treats. Again, I haven't used all three at once, but it's nice to have options.
♥ L'Oreal Pure Clay face mask to give my skin a treat.
♥ A Christmas mug from Cath Kidston. I totally forgot to add in the hot chocolate I had in the cupboard for the photos.
♥ Ferrero Rochers, a box of Cadbury Roses, and some Butterkist Chocolate and Salted Caramel popcorn.

You know, the essentials. 

I've had a lovely lazy Christmas Eve night in thanks to this lovely lot, and I'm just about ready to drift off to dream land ready to find out what Christmas brings.

Merry Christmas! 

Have you put together a Christmas Eve box this year? What did you put in it?

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What's In My Christmas Eve Box? 2015
What's In My Christmas Eve Box? 2014

1 comment

  1. Such a fun idea for Christmas eve, especially the tasty treats and nail wraps/polish! Hope you had a lovely Christmas Louise!


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