Sunday, 23 October 2016

Sunday Favourites #209: Halloween Special

This week's Sunday Favourites is the first of two Halloween-themed specials I'll be bringing you this October, both packed full of Halloween inspiration to give you a few ideas and to help get you in to the Halloween spirit. Enjoy. 

Aww Sam's mini lawn flamingo pumpkins are the coolest pumpkins I've ever seen!

These mini monster eyeball doughnuts would be perfect for Halloween parties and for handing out to trick-or-treaters.

I love this skeleton hand jewellery holder from Modcloth.

This black cat jewellery dish is pretty cool, too.

This floral skulls and skeletons A-line dress is amazing! Just look at that fantastic print!

I love how this pumpkin has been decorated / how these pins have been styled.

And this pink unicorn pumpkin is pretty damn awesome, too.

Jemma's Halloween-themed Punky Pins are so cute.

These little ghost tag printables are really fun.

I'm loving these DIY pun-kins by Studio DIY.

I adore this DIY colourful tissue-covered pumpkin. I'm so tempted to have a go at it myself, or at least something similar.

This Halloween candy cart is wonderful.

And, finally, I really like this pumpkin varieties tote bag from the Etsy shop andMorgan.

For more Halloween inspiration, check out my Halloween and Autumn boards on Pinterest, and remember to pop back next Sunday for my second Halloween favourites.

Thanks for reading!

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