Sunday, 2 October 2016

Sunday Favourites #206

Who's up for this week's favourites?

These pastel pins from Hand Over Your Fairy Cakes are gorgeous.

I love this series of mashed-up every day objects by Paul Fuentes.

This giant pop tart cake is amazing.

I don't care how old I am; I want to make a gingerbread ice cream truck.

While we're on the subject of food, this giant fairy bread sandwich cake looks awesome.

Something about this series of Fat Cats by photographer Pete Thorne cracks me up. Their expressions are hilarious.

These illustrated words of wisdom by Lize Meddings are beautiful.

This cactus ring holder is pretty cute.

I love this pin set from Alison Rose.

Speaking of pins, Kaylah has the coolest collection.

There's something satisfying about watching this 15,000 piece triple spiral domino creation in action.

Professional street artist Crocheted Olek covered an entire two-storey house in Finland with pink crochet as a symbol of hope for a bright future.
♥ An American columnist living in London penned a list of 42 peculiarities she's observed about life in London / England, and our confusing British behaviour. I have no idea where she observed some of these things (Robbie Williams? Very famous? Really? Maybe back in the nineties.), and the fact she's unable to comprehend why we don't have plugs in bathrooms is kinda concerning (err, because electricity and water are a dangerous combination), but the post and it's comments make for an amusing read. As does Cosmo's take on it.

Follow me on Pinterest and Tumblr for daily favourites.

Thanks for reading!



  1. Those fat cat portraits are so great, also I really need to get some cute pins! I keep seeing them everywhere!

  2. Uhm, Hello from Germany! We don't have such strict rules about electricity. If your electrician worked correct, there is no danger zone for havin plugs in your bathroom. I have two beside my wash basin to dry my hair while see myself in the mirror above. Unless you throw your hair dryer into the filled basin there is nothing dangerous about.

    I read this articel and had to smile /laugh a lot. Other countries are always an adventure. See it that way! Wish you a lovely sunday

  3. I love the cat facial expressions!

  4. Oh my gosh! Those fat cats! They are SO cute! My Louis would probably fit in with those pictures :P


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