Sunday, 21 August 2016

Sunday Favourites #200

It's that time of the week again...

These DIY sandal hacks from Studio DIY are making me so nostalgic for my tweens and early teens! I swear I had a pair of shoes just like these in black.

These DIY tie-dye nail wraps are so fun, and perfect for festival season.

These Rice Krispie treats look ah-mazing.

Dear God, these fairy bread ice cream sandwiches look good! I really shouldn't put these posts together when I'm hungry!

This DIY watercolour paper squares back drop looks amazing. All that colour pleases me. I kinda want to make one to use as a backdrop for my blog photos.

How cute are these colourful little fairy bites?!

These little planters look adorable.

These floral tattoos by botanical tattoo artist Pis Saro are all so beautiful.

And this albino echidna is so darn cute. Just look at this video of him celebrating his 6th birthday.

Louise's Lovely Links

♥ I got a serious case of wanderlust reading part two and part three of Kate's trip to Paris. 

♥ Plus size model, blogger and columnist Callie Thorpe recently got married (and looked incredible!), and Cosmo picked up on the powerful message she left for brides and grooms everywhere with this lovely article.

♥ Why I see bands multiple times. I always loved going to see my favourite bands and singers more than once per tour before I got ill, and this post sums up why perfectly. It actually pains me that I'm rarely able to do this anymore. Yes, I'm a total fan-girl!

♥ Why I won't apologise for having fun while chronically ill. <--This. If you have a chronically ill friend or family member, or even if you don't, I urge you to read this article. 

For daily favourites, follow me on Pinterest and Tumblr!

Thanks for reading!

1 comment

  1. I want to eat all the food in this post, so many tasty things!!!


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