Monday, 8 August 2016

My Colourful Patchwork Home Sweet Home Cross Stitch Sampler

Last week I finally finished the colourful cross stitch project I've been working on all year. I'm really pleased with how great it turned out after all the time and effort I put in to it, so I wanted to show you guys the end result. 

Et voila!

So, this is the 'patchwork home, sweet home' sampler from Riverdrift House, a small Cornish brand who make the most beautiful cross stitch kits, and patterns. I think this is the sixth or seventh of their samplers I've completed over the last few years; I also have two others on the go, and a set of Christmas cards that I'm gradually working my way through. I love their modern patchwork and Scandinavian style designs, but this home sweet home sampler is without a doubt my favourite one yet.

I picked the kit up last Autumn, and was drawn to it because of how pretty and colourful it looked, with its colour-blocked geometric birds, cats, hearts, squares, and other patterns in shades of pink, purple, peach, salmon, blue, green, and grey. The design is so fun and funky! It was a little different to anything I'd seen or stitched before  and it's the first and only 'home, sweet home' sampler I've come across that isn't frumpy, and old-fashioned. I had so much fun working on it, and I loved seeing the plain white aida transform from a blank canvas in to a colourful picture as I made progress. (Here, here, here, here, and here). It was so easy to make, too, as the majority of the pattern is colour-blocked in simple shapes. It really shouldn't have taken me seven months to complete it, but there were a couple of months when I could barely use my hands thanks to an arthritic flare, which set me back a while. I think I sewed the majority of it in the last two or three months, and you could probably make it in three months or less if you put in just an hour or two a day.

I've no idea how many hours I put in to this sampler, but I'm delighted with the end result, so all the time and effort I stitched in to it was worth it. Now all I need to do is get it framed, so I can give it pride of place on my bedroom wall. Knowing me, it'll probably take me five or six years to get 'round to it!

It's a great, affordable project for cross stitch pros and beginners alike, and you can find it on the Riverdrift House website here.

What's the last craft project you made?

You might also like
My Christmas Cross Stitch Pictures 2015
Noel Peace On Earth Cross Stitch
My Easter Cross Stitch


  1. That is amazing Louise! I loved embroidery and actually did a lot as a teen (including part of my GCSE Textiles and Design exam) but I'm rubbish at it to be frank! ;) I really admire people who can cross stitch well. xx

  2. It's just beautiful! It's very rewarding finishing up a cross stitch project, I love your photography in the first picture too. I have a partially finished cross stitch at the moment, but I've made a mistake and I am putting off fixing it...I should just do it!


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