Sunday, 7 August 2016

Sunday Favourites #198

It's that time of the week again...

These DIY pool float cakes from Aww, Sam look amazing! Coolest cakes ever? I think so.

This pin from Caitlin Stout is so cute!

How cute are these DIY days of the week knickers? I totally had a set or two growing up.

I love this colourful flatlay from Oh Happy Day, promoting their colourful confetti.

These Over The Rainbow ballet pumps from Love From Hetty and Dave are super cute.

This colourful geometric mani is awesome- although, if I ever tried to recreate it myself, it would probably look like a toddler did them.

This confetti cookie dough cake looks amazing. I really shouldn't put these posts together when I'm hungry!

I want to make a rainbow balloon backdrop for my blog posts.

This angora bunny is the most adorable critter I think I've ever seen. Just look at those ears! Squee!

These best buddies. Somebody get me a pet fox!

This collection of photos by Bella Kotak entitled 'Twilight In The Labyrinth' are so beautiful.

These magnificent life-size driftwood horses by James Doran-Webb.

The Chinese have created this futuristic-looking electric bus that straddles and passes over two lanes of traffic! It's a real thing- it's currently being tested in the province of Hebei. The idea is genius.

These tattoos by tattoo artist Charlotte Timmons are absolutely beautiful.

Louise's Lovely Links

♥ 18 types of brain fog that have happened to me. I relate to so many of these, especially forgetting words all the time (often every few sentences), and babbling complete nonsense sentences completely different to what I'm trying to say and am saying clearly in my head (not all the time, mostly when I'm ridiculously shattered). It gets so frustrating! 

♥ A blog post for every day of 2016 from The Sunday Girl.

♥ I loved reading Kate's posts about her visit to Paris, and travelling alone.

♥ Jemma's 5 tips on saving money are so helpful.

♥ China's glass walkway opens in the Tianmen mountain. I'm not scared of heights, but I don't think I'd be able to walk across this without freaking out.

If you'd like to see more stuff like this, come say hello on Pinterest and Tumblr.

Thanks for reading!

1 comment

  1. How did I miss this post?? I want a unicorn cake for my next birthday and a bat tattoo. Also how cute are the dog and fox friends!


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