Friday 11 March 2022

Six Years With Rosie

On the 1st of March, we marked six years since Rosie, our Tibetan terrier, joined our family.

Six years!

I can't believe how much time has passed since the day we brought our tiny ten-week-old black and white puppy home for the first time. It only feels like a minute since we became first-time dog owners and were enjoying the chaos of life with an adorable hyperactive puppy- or more accurately, a whirlwind with fluff and teeth. Those challenging early days when Rosie loved running off with anything not nailed down, stripping branches off of bushes in the garden, and creeping up on us to nip us with her tiny razor-sharp puppy teeth feel like they happened yesterday. It's crazy that it was over half a decade ago already.  In nine months, she'll be a senior. Can someone please slow down time just a little bit?

She often tilts her head back to watch you while you give her back rubs.
People weren't the only ones with awkward lockdown hair dos when the salons were shut!
The last six years have gone so fast, but it also feels like Rosie has been a part of the family forever. I'd swear she's always been here shadowing every meal, hogging three-quarters of the bed with a leg in my armpit, barking at every squirrel that has the audacity to scurry across her garden, and demanding games of fetch from everyone the moment you enter the house. I can barely remember what life was like before her, and I don't really want to. Life must have been so quiet and dull without her.

Demanding I held her paw
Happy pup after opening presents on her 6th birthday.
Six-year-old Rosie is, thankfully, less hyper and much more chilled than she was as a puppy, but she hasn't lost any of her sass or personality over the years. She's a little weirdo who sits on the sofa like a person, climbs like a mountain goat, and often sleeps with her front legs rigid in the air like no creature I've ever seen. (Does anyone else's dog do this or is mine just weird)? She loves sweetcorn and marrowfat peas, ripping the squeakers out of toys, sleeping on the back of the sofa, and opening presents, and would sell her soul for a tennis ball if she knew what a soul was, or how to bargain with the devil.

'Draw me like one of your French girls.'
I have no idea.
Smiling after opening presents and making a mess on Christmas morning 2021.

She also loves a good cuddle, and would do anything for a back rub or belly rub- but hates her face being touched when she's trying to concentrate on getting a piece of whatever you're eating. There's no time for affection when there's food involved. Priorities, and all that. She's my little snuggle buddy, joining me for a nap when I'm in too much pain to get out of bed- though, she also loves to kick me in the stomach or leg while she's dozing and trying to get comfortable. I'm forever covered in bruises from where she kicks off from my legs, pushing me closer to the edge of the bed each time. I think she's really just trying to kick me off the bed to claim it for herself.

She still makes me smile and laugh every day with her quirky little mannerisms, and all the different barks and noises she makes, chattering to us as if she thinks we speak the same language. She always lets you know when she wants something, be it your food, her daily Denta Stick, when it's time to go out before bed, a random sock on the bench, or the twelfth game of fetch of the day, and each alert is different. If there was an award for the chattiest, most demanding dog, it would go to Rosie, no question. 

Smiling because I had food.
I'll admit, she can be a pain in the butt at times, especially when she won't stop barking, but I wouldn't trade her. She's brought so much to my life these past six years, and makes every housebound day less dull and lonely. She might not always be the best behaved dog, but she's the best, funniest, and most affectionate doggo, and I love that crazy little bark machine, quirks an' all. 

Happy 6th Gotcha Day, Rosie Roo. I hope we get to celebrate many more together.

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