Friday, 5 January 2018

My Goals For 2018

At the beginning of each new year I always feel motivated to better myself, and set myself some goals for the year ahead. I don't set myself big New Year's resolutions, like losing half my body weight overnight, becoming a millionaire, or giving up my dress habit, and won't this year, either, as I know I'll never achieve them, but I do like to set myself lots of fun, smaller goals to work on before the year is through. It gives me something to aim for, and I suppose it makes me feel like I'm achieving something even though I'm not able to do all the things I want to in life because of my chronic illnesses.

This year, I've come up with a lot of things I want to aim for in 2018, and I thought I'd share some of those goals with you today.

Don't worry; I'm not about to start announcing some 'new year, new me' bollocks; it's a new year, but you'll get the same old me; I'm not planning to change who I am just because society makes us feel like we're not good enough the way we are. I might attempt to become a slightly better version of myself in 2018, but chances are, I won't succeed, and it's not the end of the world if I fail.

Here are 15 of my goals for 2018:

Craft Regularly and Try Lots of New Crafts
I've come to realise I'm rarely more content than when I'm making something with my own two hands, so I want to craft as much as possible in 2018, and also have a go at lots of new crafts. I want to do lots of colourful cross stitching, learn how to crochet a granny square blanket, improve my embroidery skills, make more hoop art, have a go at making wreaths for Spring / Easter, try decoupaging, perhaps do some jewellery making, try needle felting, make bandannas for Rosie, and all kinds of other fun creative things. I basically just want to spend the whole year making things.

Paint Regularly and Try Gouache Paints
Last year, I began watercolour painting again after several years away from a paint brush, having completely forgotten how relaxing and enjoyable it could be. I want to keep painting regularly throughout the year, improve my watercolour skills, and also try working with gouache paints for the first time to try something a little more vibrant.

Improve My Photography and Photo Editing Skills
Photography and photo editing are two areas of blogging I really struggle with and I admit they need a lot of improvement, so I'm going to keep working on improving my skills and the quality of my photos throughout the year.

Read More
I've been making the effort to read more over the last few months and I've enjoyed every moment of it, so I want to continue reading regularly in 2018 (every day, where possible), and try to read a lot more. I'm not going to set myself a target number of books, except that I want to read at least one book a month. It doesn't sound like a lot, but I think it's more than I managed in 2017.

See Fall Out Boy Live Again
Fall Out Boy are touring in the UK again in March, and I'm determined to get out and see them on stage again. Their shows are always phenomenal, and so much fun. I haven't got tickets yet, as I'm still skint, but plans are afoot...

Continue Training Rosie
My Tibetan terrier, Rosie, still needs a little work with some of her training- especially with recall and not jumping up at people- so it's something I'm going to commit to working on with her until we've cracked it. She's a really intelligent dog, so I know she'll get there.

Shop For Christmas and Birthday Presents Throughout The Year
I want to be super organised this year, and shop for presents for birthdays and Christmas throughout the year to help spread the cost, and keep the stress of last minute shopping at bay. I did this the year before last, and it really took the stress out of present-giving. I'm intending to pick up presents as and when I see the perfect gift and can afford to, and build up a good present stash so I can be all smug when my Christmas shopping is all finished while everyone's running around the high street like headless chickens in December.

Build Up My Wardrobe Again
I had to sell a lot of my wardrobe just to get by last year, so now things are a little better financially, I want to work on building it back up again. I'm not planning on going crazy, but a new dress here and there would be nice.

Blog More Quality Content
I want to work hard to improve my blog content this year, as I wasn't happy with my blog at all last year. I always put 110% in to every post, but I wasn't satisfied with my photos, and I just wasn't able to blog about everything I wanted to- mostly because I wasn't often well enough to take the photos I needed for the posts. I need to find a way around my health issues when it comes to photography, and I want to do my best to blog more quality content. I want to blog more fashion, beauty, and lifestyle posts, and basically make Polka Spots the best it can be.

Blog Outfits Again
I didn't blog a single outfit in 2017, mostly because I didn't have any money for new clothes (can you believe I only bought one new dress in 2017?!), and because my next door neighbours had builders working on their house every fucking day of the year and I didn't feel comfortable taking photos in the garden with them around to see me. It makes me sad, as sharing my outfits used to be the main reason for my blog, and I really miss it, so I want to try to share outfits again this year, even if it's only every now and then.

Revamp and Rebrand the Blog
The blog is long over due a revamp, and as I hate my blog name, I also think it's time for a rebrand. I had intended to tackle this last year, but I wasn't able to due to lack of funds for the blog design I wanted. The blog's a mess, so it's about time I got it done.

Be More Interactive With You Guys
I completely failed at keeping up with blog comments and messages in 2017, and I'm ashamed of myself for it. I know an apology isn't good enough, but I will do my best to keep up with them in 2018, and be more interactive with you guys. I'm going to sit down and have a big catch up as soon as I'm feeling better, and then make sure I keep on top of them.

Keep Up My Survey Answering Game
I got in to crowdsourcing (answering surveys online) last year to make a little extra cash, and it's something I want to continue doing regularly this year, too. It doesn't bring in a lot of money, but it soon adds up. Last year I earned enough to afford all the Christmas, birthday, and Easter presents for my family and friends, as well as a few treats for myself, so I'm aiming to do the same this year. I just need to keep myself motivated, which can be the hard part, as a lot of surveys are boring as hell!

Visit Somewhere New
I doubt I'll be getting away for a holiday this year, but I'd like to try to visit at least one place I've never been before, even if it's close to home. 

Some Places I'd Like To Visit In 2018
The Wizarding World of Harry Potter.
Badbury Clump woods (for the bluebells in the Spring).
The Ashmolean and Pitt Rivers Museums in Oxford.
Christchurch, Oxford.
London (it's been far too long).
Whipsnade Wild Animal Park.
Blenheim Palace.

What are your goals for 2018?

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