Sunday, 1 October 2017

Sunday Favourites #295

It's that time of the week again...

If you want to embrace Halloween fashion but can't afford to splash out on new accessories, check out Damask Love's awesome DIY bat flats. They're so cute!

These sticker decorated pumpkins from A Subtle Revelry are so eye catching.

Studio DIY have created DIY rainbow pumpkins, and they are amazing!

It's time to make peace with your mirror. It's exhausting being at war with it.

I adore this rainbow faux flower centrepiece by Oh Happy Day. So much colour!

I'm loving all of A Kailo Chic Life's Autumn / Halloween content at the moment, particularly their DIY 80s pumpkins, colourful Halloween party, and DIY pink macrame pumpkin planters posts. Those colourful pumpkins are to die for.

These unicorn macarons from Sprinkles For Breakfast look delicious.

I love these DIY Halloween pumpkin succulent planters from Best Friends For Frosting.

Silvia Raga's craft room is so gorgeous.

Lovely Indeed have created Mean Girls cookies, and they're so fetch!

Can you believe these hyper-realistic giant paint blobs, by artist CJ Hendry, were created using coloured pencils?!

I'm not one for astrology, but these portraits of the zodiac signs by Vivien Szaniszlo are all so beautiful.

Kay Customz creates custom dolls for people with the condition vitiligo, and they're adorable.

Lovely Links

♥ '10 ridiculous things people have said to me about my invisible illnesses.' The worst one I've personally been told is 'you'll never get married or have kids unless you get yourself better.' By my ex-physiotherapist. I kid you not.

If you'd like to see more stuff like this, check out my Pinterest and Tumblr. You can also find all previous Sunday Favourites posts here.

Thanks for reading! Have a great day!

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