Sunday, 6 November 2016

Sunday Favourites #211

It's that time of the week again...

This DIY felt Autumn wreath is adorable. I want to make one.

I love these pieces of pop art from graphic designer Paul Fuentes.

These fried egg nail decals are super cute.

I adore these deer and seagull paint-by-numbers necklaces from Kate Gabrielle. What a fun idea!

I know it's not Halloween anymore, but these colourful ghost cookies by Holly Fox were too cute not to share.

I'm crazy about these pastel painted pumpkins. I'd love to paint a whole bunch of them and dot them around the house until the Christmas decorations go up.

Oh, dear God, these trashy eclairs look amazing! If only I wasn't lactose intolerant.

This rainbow zigzag balloon garland is really fun. It would make an awesome backdrop for blog photos. 

I'm loving this DIY for colour block storage. I wish I had my own office or craft room and some furniture to liven up so I could give it a try.

How cute are these DIY corn macarons?!

I kinda wish we had Thanksgiving in England, just so I could make some of these adorable mini honeycomb paper turkeys.

This is far more pink and feminine than I would normally go for, but everything in this photo from Maison Dumonde looks lovely.

A group of plus size women recreated a bunch of fashion ads to break the mold and prove the fashion industry wrong, and the results are awesome!

Lovely Links

♥ 11 things most girls do but no one talks about. I'm definitely guilty of a few of these. Particularly 8, 9, and 10.

If you'd like to see more like this, why not check out my Pinterest and Tumblr?

Thanks for reading!

1 comment

  1. That girl who wears things and returns them is shocking!!
    You could get those turkeys for Christmas!x


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