Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Wednesday Wish List

This week, I've been coveting...

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These tea dresses from Lady Vintage are so beautiful, especially the peacock and jaguar print numbers.

Collectif's cherry print Wendy cardigans look so cute and cosy.

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Once again, I'm in love with pretty much all of Lindy Bop's latest arrivals. Just look at these amazing dresses and skirts; they're all to die for! The prints are fantastic; there are fox prints, cat prints, cocktails and handbag prints, florals, and even Russian doll prints. Obviously, my favourite is the Lana fox print swing dress (#1), but I would love them all to come live with me.

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These colourful spot PJs from ASOS Curve, and dragon slippers from ASOS are super cute.

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I love these gorgeous motif skirts from Pin Up House, especially the fun watermelon design.

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These Halloween print skater dresses from Em and Sprout are awesome. Those prints!

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Em and Sprout also have the cutest collection of Halloween-themed jewellery.

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I love these fun tights from ASOS Curve.

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And these embroidered shirts and maxi dresses from Boohoo Plus are stunning. Only problem is, I can't decide which colour-way I like best.

If you'd like to see more of the clothes and accessories on my wish list, check out my style wish list boards on Pinterest.

What's on your wish list this week?


  1. Nooo, do not tempt me with Lindy Noo, you temptress you!x

  2. I think I need everything from Em and Sprout in my life immediately!

  3. Those boohoo items are on my wishlist too and I can't decide on a colour either!! If I had the money I'd buy both in both colours!


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